Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone.  They were super cute and ironic.  Anybody notice my offspring Icarus and his super sweet blog that only 2 people have read?  What an assertive, honest, and thorough review of Mine Canary's music.  It was so fair and unbiased I almost vomited a tear.  I'm glad I could inspire such a noble and joyless blog to be created.

Moving right along...

I really enjoyed the comments regarding the engineering quality of many local bands' records.  And since this blog is all about what makes me happy and not about providing some sort of service to local musicians, I'd like to dedicate this entry to The Recording Process.  My jumping-off point will be the Noise Ordinance 2 CD.

Off the top of my head I can compile a list of the recordings that really stuck out from that CD, and they include The Human Condition, Sons of Hippies, Big Blu House, MeTeOrEyEs, The Once and Future Kings, To Sleep To Dream, Shoebox Monsters, Igor, Completely From Mountains, Lion Choir, and Amazon Woman.  These are in no particular order and if you're on this list it doesn't mean I like your music; I just think your recordings were decent.  I'm not sorry if I failed to mention anybody.

So, where did these bands record?  How much did they pay?  What's the ratio of money spent to quality of the recording?  What are some general things these bands would like to say about their recordings?  What do YOU, the reader, think of these recordings?  Why is Cats in the Basement the only Finch House band that has a good recording?  Are there any other recordings that stand out to you and why?  Please compose your response in a 5 paragraph, expository, FCAT format essay.

Daedalus Aflame

P.S.  To all of those people leaving comments about how "dead" the blog has become: thanks.  When there are another 100+ comments left for this entry we'll just assume that a bunch of undead zombies are using the internet to read up on Sarasota's music scene.


  1. Pretty sure my band was the only one to use a $50/hour pro studio on the east coast. I'll keep who it was anonymous but we weren't in your list. We didn't get it mastered though so the pop isn't there, that mayyyy be why you missed it.

  2. I only listened to that CD one time because it was so full of tedious boring folk music and unimaginative hipster pandering. So I don't remember who had good recordings and bad ones, but I do know a lot of the bands had to rush to get a finished product submitted, which would explain some of the bad quality.

  3. Angry Critic has a small brain to go with his or her small dick or lack of a vagina! Honestly! you have to be the meanest person around. If you have children, I really hope they don't turn out to be like you, bitter and cruel to hard working artist. I'm not sure if you realize this or not but you are hated by so many, but if you enjoy hate then you keep going, the "SCENE" and local shows like "NOISE" will go on!! It maybe time to look deep into your conscience and take a hard look at your own pathetic life!! I also have witnessed several people loosing sleep over this crap and shedding many of tears, is that really your intention? I hope note, because that makes you a sad human being!

  4. "you are hated by so many" and loved by the rest of us!

  5. Daedalus, what's your recommendation for locally producing the best high quality, low cost record possible? (Obviously, talented musicians are a must.)

  6. I'm not Daedalus but I've been extremely impressed with the quality recordings coming out of Science Recording for a very reasonable price. I've enjoyed working with Neil as well.

  7. I think the DIY process has been romanticisied a little bit too much, at the expense of a lot of music. Home recording equipment as a songwriting tool is fantastic, but more often than not, there's someone with a whole different set of skills that is exceedingly more capable of capturing your unique skills on tape than you... Why not create a strategic partnership?

  8. There are no pro studios in this town. If a band really wants to have a quality product, you have to pay for it which means Tampa, Orlando or the east coast. At the end of the day though your recording is only as good as the band...which is why NO2 was a one and done spin in my cd player. Once & Future Kings and Human Condition (from your list) get props...the rest?

  9. PS - "I also have witnessed several people loosing sleep over this crap and shedding many of tears, is that really your intention?"

    Jesus, grow a pair. No one ever gets 100% positive reviews. If you're losing sleep over this blog...just hang it up and upgrade from part time to full time at Starbucks or whatever hipster job you have.

    Want people to stop saying you don't draw? Promote your damn shows.

  10. Critic, you really bitched out man.

  11. "No one ever gets 100% positive reviews"

    No one is asking for 100% positive reviews. But the making fun of names, farm animal comparisons, vulgar sexist remarks, hairdo comparisons --- that shit is not at all helpful and that is what has really really hurt some people.

    Professional criticism is one thing, but this really personal stuff is just not acceptable.

    For me, after getting past the Tim Sukits namecalling, then the goat reference, whore hair comments, sexual "take it up the butt" and other assorted stuff were really hard for me to get past, but the SeaBiscuit thing just really put me right over the edge.

    Sorry guys. It just took all the fun completely out of this for me. I've really enjoyed the other stuff, though. I'm just in a different place today after reading those last comments.

    But as the creator and produce of Noise Ordinance 2, I'm happy to hear any critiquest you all may have of the entire project.

  12. Let's just remember that at the end of the day we are all human beings here. That's all.

    That's not too much to ask, is it?

  13. Haircuts, sexual innuendos, and shit about how someone looks have no place in this site, i agree. Because they don't have anything to do with how they sound. But I think the goat reference was a critique on her singing, in all fairness.

  14. This is the INTERNET. "Haircuts, sexual innuendos, and shit about how someone looks" are exactly what it is made for.

  15. "Let's just remember that at the end of the day we are all human beings here. That's all."

    I don't know what fantasy world you grew up in, but being an asshole is human nature. Children begin their experiments in cruelty from a very young age.

    "Haircuts, sexual innuendos, and shit about how someone looks have no place in this site, i agree. Because they don't have anything to do with how they sound. But I think the goat reference was a critique on her singing, in all fairness."

    I don't know who said goat, I said horse. Considering their name is The Equines. Which if you're not familiar, means horse.

    Sexual innuendos are just entertaining; sex, drugs and rock and roll and all that jazz. But it's also a huge part of music. Or do you think 80s and 90s rockers played with their shirts off because it was hot on stage? You think singers whisper, scream, moan and squeal for the hell of it? Or don't you think it's meant to invoke something, a particular emotion? Well, meant to if the artist had that in mind and aren't just imitating whatever they hear.

    Ah, and the hair thing. Sorry, but that's a consequence of making music more about the image than about the music itself. Music should feel no less real if it's performed by somebody in a tuxedo versus somebody in a chicken suit. But the latter case is used to make somebody take a double take, it's meant to call attention to yourself. Anything out of the ordinary is a cry for attention, which can be useful when you're trying to push from successful to over the top. Her hair in photo shoots is so much worse, a white bride of Frankenstein beehive? Really? I consider that kind of bullshit attention grabbing for when you have no real content. Just like Kiss, or Dimmu Borgir, or fucking Lady Ga Ga. The only nice comments I have for that kind of crap is when you have the guts to stick through the inevitable insults, but you still have to realize that you're still a tool.

  16. look, that's fine but I'm telling you all that this shit has REALLY hurt some people. I mean really really really hurt some people. I'm literally in tears over it. If you just want to go on poking fun at people like this for your own amusement I can't stop you...

    I just really hope it's just that things got a little bit carried away and it's not that you are really that cold and heartless.

    As a woman I know what it's like to feel ugly or not good enough. It's a real thing and a constrant struggle. There is a difference here. I just hope you all can understand that and move forward with this happy-hate-fest just keeping that in mind. Please. Just keep it "professional". please.

  17. I thought you were done here, Claire? That's what you said in the other thread.

  18. Come on, Claire - don't let yourself take it so seriously. It's not worth it, and even admitting to being hurt by it is just going to be fodder for more insults. It's just anonymous comments on the internet, don't take it so personally or you will only dig yourself deeper and allow yourself to be hurt more.

  19. Or at least don't ADMIT to taking it so seriously...

  20. To stay on topic I'll do a rundown of the Sarasota recording studios for my first impressions on if you get quality for your money. Note, I haven't been in any of these studios, this is based purely on their audio samples, gear and cost. (In the order that google gives them to me) This is mostly just for those of you who don't know the difference between a Neumann and a Neve or a Royer and a Rode(hardly any similarities at all, they just started with the same letter).

    Eternal Sound Studios: Fuck if I know. No samples, no info at all. I'd avoid if you're looking to record a band, all they talk about is voiceover work.

    Craison digital: Again, no working audio samples. However he more portrays himself as a designer(websites, grahpics, etc.), I'd avoid for actual studio work. You have no idea how few similarities there are in technique and knowledge when it comes to audio versus visual.

    Daral Productions: Okay, now I'm wondering how much cash these last few guys spent on somebody to do SEO work for them. There is no reason I should be getting a guy with a desktop and a teensy tiny low quality analog mixer on a search for recording studios.

    Now that you(and I) have an idea of how USELESS google is for finding recording studios, I'll just start mentioning ones that could are either good or could easily trick you.

    Atlas Recording: These guys look pretty decent at a first glance. Their gear is nice(though their analog mixing board is not). The problem though is that now that they've spent a bunch of money on gear(since I'm not sure why they have three TLM-103s and a grab-bag of random mic pres), they now have to make that up by charging you too much. $95 an hour? Pro studios in LA with $100,000 Neve consoles charge that. Their audio samples are okay, they're better than you in a bedroom, but they're in no way professional. The guitars in their metal example sound too gritty and not really beefy and the vocals on that track and the Light Rock one below it sound too roomy and aren't balanced well with the tracks.

    Okay, so apparently there just aren't any more. Other than Science.

    Science Recording Studio: Apparently the only site they have with content is a myspace page. Their gear doesn't look that great(oh Yamaha consoles...) and the room isn't well treated. But the guy knows how to mix, the sonic quality suffers from things I just can't quite pinpoint, it's an overall feeling of sounding just not quite right. The cymbals seem to wash(drum sets need really nice overheads to not do that) and the vocals are a bit thin. However, their guys have to know what they're doing then in order to pull quality out subpar rooms and equipment.

    My advice, if you don't want to leave Sarasota to record. Take the engineer from Science and go record at Atlas. Unless Atlas wont give you a discount for bypassing their engineer, then tell them to fuck off and die and go record in another city. This feels like a worthless post.

  21. Science is $25/hour. Perfect? Nope, but really can't beat it for the quality unless you want to drive an hour or more away.

  22. Dubya - I'd like to hear your definition of ordinary when applied to men in music and women in music. What is the uniform? What is the hairstyle? What is the ratio of lyrical content to guitar riffs? The "that's how it is" defense to your flippant sexualization of women so 1980. Or is it 1890? The "that's how it is" defense is synonymous with the "she was asking for it by wearing that outfit" defense - perpetuating physical judgement and verbal violence against women. I'm not asking you to even the score by applying the same verbal violence against the male musicians you berate; instead, you could grow your vocabulary and stop this verbal violence altogether. What Claire may be getting at is that this is not 4chan or a news feed on msnbc. This is a blog hell-bent on berating your own neighbors. If you are, in fact, a "recording engineer," I'd love to hear the conversation between you and an artist you've already "crtiqued" on the Internet when they unknowingly contact you to do work for them. Could you look them in the eye and say the same things? You'd probably do far better shaking hands with those people at a show and giving them a business card - or are you too worried they'll sneer at you?
    If you tried that, I could see you having grounds to run home to your computer and cry over the keyboard. Cry, cry, cry. But I can guarantee you haven't tried that. Try, try, try.

  23. "Science is $25/hour. Perfect? Nope, but really can't beat it for the quality unless you want to drive an hour or more away."

    If you care about your music, an hour isn't a very long drive.

    Eh, might as well do Tampa now.

    RedRoom Recorders: If you want that modern, ultra compressed, digital clean sound with extensive editing then it appears these guys can do it. Their prices might be a bit steep though since they have a few famous bands on their clients list. The only prices I could see were on demo stuff, and I highly doubt you'd get the quality they have in their samples. For about $50/hr.

    Morrisound: I couldn't find samples but their room looks nice. They have no gear list and I'm not impressed by AKG C414s, I've used them and they do odd things to the high end sizzle on cymbals. You'd have to ask around about these guys, they've been in the business for a long time but frankly that doesn't really mean much. They also don't seem to have prices listed, but since they have a "Funding" section, I'm going to guess it's not even close to cheap, probably overpriced.

    Emerald City Recording: Frankly, I'm not at all impressed. Pro Tools LE? Come on, use Logic, or Sonar or even Reaper. But the LE version of Pro Tools? That's cheap and unprofessional. Their gear is also not that great and their rates are a bit high, $60/hr.

    All of the rest I'm seeing are also giving me a definite feeling of "meh".

    Pro Star Recording sounds okay, perhaps a little overpriced.

    Clear Track Productions: Looks pretty good. Their room looks awesome, the console looks great and they have a great Studer 2" tape deck. That alone makes me feel all nice inside. I'm guessing they're not coming cheap, but they seem worth it. For Studio A, Studio B looks a bit overpriced at $50/hr. I'm guessing Studio A is quite costly.

    Don't even bother with Polysound, their gear isn't very good and it appears his DAW of choice is actually just a simple mixer. Full wave Sound Studios doesn't particularly look that great either. No sound samples and a poorly treated square room.

  24. Its kind of cute to see how bored Dubya is

  25. "I'd like to hear your definition of ordinary when applied to men in music and women in music. What is the uniform? What is the hairstyle? What is the ratio of lyrical content to guitar riffs?"

    Oh hahahaha. *Wooshing noises*

    "The "that's how it is" defense is synonymous with the "she was asking for it by wearing that outfit" defense - perpetuating physical judgement and verbal violence against women. "

    It is? Shit. I guess that just means God created Woman to be raped. If nature is the same as human intention.

    " I'm not asking you to even the score by applying the same verbal violence against the male musicians you berate;"

    I thought I already did that anyways when we first started discussing solo male singer/guitarists.

    "This is a blog hell-bent on berating your own neighbors."

    You're right. That is what this blog is. You were expecting flowers and skipping in the rain?

    "Could you look them in the eye and say the same things?"

    Admittedly I'd leave out the yo momma jokes. But the truth is the truth. If you're off key, tune your guitar like a fuckwit or play so sloppily it makes baby Jesus cry then it is my RESPONSIBILITY to let you know. If you're here to waste my time and your money, you can do it elsewhere.

    "If you tried that, I could see you having grounds to run home to your computer and cry over the keyboard. Cry, cry, cry. But I can guarantee you haven't tried that. Try, try, try."

    Cry over my keyboard? Where along here have my tears stained my tighty-whities?

    I'm sorry, it's just so hard to take a post that reads like it came from an ethics class at a liberal arts college seriously. It seems the real world doesn't mesh so well with the fantasy one you've built in your head. When it comes to business, the only important thing about gender is that

    Sex Sells.

  26. Ooh, another dear Dubya post? Sweet. To also stay off topic, I'd like you to define musical "content" - what is the song about? How is it said musically or lyrically? None of your critique included any of that, yet that was the cornerstone of your king-of-the-castle judgement. I'd like to hear your content critique - i believe that Equines song was on the first Noise Ordinance cd maybe it has the lyrics included somewhere - Or you could just listen to them (what a thought). Then, yeah, you could be distracted by the recording quality (sounds like an at-home job, darn) but it would remove you from having to gather what you can from leering at a live video with audio from a camera. Step up the critiques or go away (wait, that sounds familiar...).

  27. "Its kind of cute to see how bored Dubya is"

    SO BORED. Somebody write some decent music to give me something to DO. I'm so sick of nu-metal, metalcore, indie folk, and high school jazz.

    "but it would remove you from having to gather what you can from leering at a live video with audio from a camera."

    Do you seriously think that the key, arrangement, and timing is smeared by a low quality recording? It's not, it just makes it more painful to listen to.

  28. I really enjoyed the Dune Train track on the CD. Those guys are fun and unique.

  29. Degradation/disrespect = "that's how it is " manifestos, stemming from your personal non-universal experience
    Degradation/disrespect + action = molestation/abuse/rape

    Damn those liberal arts colleges, teaching folks how to change their surroundings as opposed to surrender to them.

  30. Dune train is a very sonically interesting band, especially the newer black keys-esque songs

  31. I do really like Dune Train

  32. Yeah dune train is great

  33. "Degradation/disrespect = "that's how it is " manifestos, stemming from your personal non-universal experience"

    I'll admit that my degree is in electrical engineering, not biology but from what I gather there is billions of years of conditioning that's made it "how it is".

    "Damn those liberal arts colleges, teaching folks how to change their surroundings as opposed to surrender to them."

    Oh, to be young and recently graduated. Once you crack through that shell of human stupidity, let me know. I wouldn't bet on that though, but if you keep trying hard enough you might figure out what a bunch of people already know, that we're nothing more than bald chimps with more developed vocal chords.

    I'm done on this though, I've been derailed far enough.

  34. Thanks for the comments! The track we had on the NO2 CD was fun, but that was our trio experimental stuff. We are pure duo/grit rock now.

    I can't keep away from this blog. Its like a car wreck, you know? I'm checking at least once a day.

  35. I think it's endearing that progressive thinking is connoted with the naiveté of the newly graduated. I'm neither. But I do read! Were you required to take/ did you pay attention in any women's/minority studies courses in your pursuit of electrical engineering? Did you retain anything about perpetuating stereotypes? I would guess no, but I don't want to assume. That would be "stupid" of me.
    I'm stupid she's stupid he's stupid your mom is stupid your dad is stupid those people are stupid your face is stupid my elbow is stupid ad infinitum.
    Now THAT'S cute!
    You should quit criticizing until you know how to do it without taking cheap shots. Guess you and I share the same holier-than-thou position of feeling like it's our RESPONSIBILITY to tell others they're inadequate at their hobby/love/passion/whatever you want to call it.

    I Dubya (ha) Oh Holy Treasure Troll. *wink*

  36. Oh holy treasure troll, wherefore art thou? Put some pants over those tighty-whities and go immerse yourself in the music scene that is here. Make a difference by whispering in a guitarist's ear that he/she should turn the treble knob down on their amp for the next song. Get human already. This is a human industry. You can get high and mighty when you relocate to a place with an established music scene. They're still working on it here.

  37. Ha...Dune Train blows chunks. I saw them a few times live. And saw them when they were posting their videos on craigslist. Funny how they were proud of those.

    For them to get on the Noise Ordinance CD shows how low quality it is.

    Dune Train...please derail into the water.

  38. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this blog, but I DO read it and am honored that my band Lion Choir has been mentioned without being bashed (yet). That said, here are my two cents:

    My band records at Science with Neil Parsons and I have a couple of things I'd like to say about my experience there: First of all, Neil truly has a gifted ear for engineering. I don't know very technical things to say about it other than he hears things that very few people hear. He is also extremely "well read" and does his homework when it comes to analyzing the work of his engineering idols, which include Steve Albini and Joe Barresi to name a few. His familiarity with Albini's work may be why his vocals sound "thin," it's a deliberate choice he makes to have the vocals turned down a bit in the mix compared to most music you hear on the radio, for example, which is typically very vocal-centric. Neil is also a master of his studio space as far as acoustics, and has tailored his technique's for his live room quite well. Another thing I like about recording at Science is that Neil graduates into his equipment. He doesn't just splurge thousands of dollars on shit he doesn't know how to use. Instead he uses the fuck out of what he has, which is very decent gear, before he upgrades. It's kinda like leveling up.

    But most importantly, I think Neil is a real artist and collaborator when it comes to his work. He tries something new on every recording and is able to add elements to your music that you hadn't thought of. The fact that he charges $25 an hour is testament to the fact that he cares more about having bands come in than making tons of money.

    As far as I'm concerned any local band that pays over $50 an hour to record an EP is trying too hard to get a sterile recording. Neil isn't going to waste his time doctoring up a bunch of shitty takes. His recordings sound like real people playing real instruments.

    Anyway, that's how I feel about it (not necessarily the views of my band).

    Andy Fabian

  39. it sounds like some shitty metal head runs this here blog. I think we should give it back to the hipsters. I want more cats in the basement and more fancy rat. I want PBR's and nasty hipster sweat to drip all over my face. I want some bitch to put a wig on and croon like gaga. I want it all.

  40. "Ha...Dune Train blows chunks. I saw them a few times live. And saw them when they were posting their videos on craigslist. Funny how they were proud of those.

    For them to get on the Noise Ordinance CD shows how low quality it is.

    Dune Train...please derail into the water."

    So we've officially been bashed on this blog, I feel so fucking honored!! We probably will derail out of SRQ sometime next year, not much in this town to really go after. I wrote a big post about it on, feel free to read it:

  41. Here is my gift to you all for the holidays! My way of saying thanks for keeping it "above the belt" (most of the time ;) )

    (seriously though, I do appreciate the efforts to keep it clean)

  42. In consideration of releasing an EP, just so I'd have something "out there", I listened to MANY albums of local bands. I found that they mostly sounded like the studios set the band up live and hit record. The recordings sounded a bit sloppy and "distant" as if the mics were set up at the end of a long narrow room. I'm not saying the bands weren't good (that's the Angry Critic's job). I'm saying I wasn't happy with anything I heard so I chose to take a shot at self-recording/self-producing my EP. The only thing I did not do in-house was replication and I did not have it mastered.

    I don't shy away from critique, even as beligerant and exaggerated as this blog is because there is some aspect of truth even in the exaggeration. So, have a listen to this one minute promo for my EP and let me know what you think. And I know I don't have to say "be honest". lol.

    Here is the link:

    In the strange event that someone on this blog actually likes the EP you can buy for just $4.99 it at Best Buy Sarasota back in the Musical Instruments Dept.


  43. Don't quit your day job

  44. Oh, come on. You can do better than that! I'm very disappointed in your lack of creativity, exaggeration and belligerency in your reply.

  45. "Don't quit your day job."

    Too late.

  46. You all seem to have it out for DIY and New College, but I think this band Physical Plant did a pretty decent job on their recent EP. As far as I know they recorded it on their own. I've heard them live twice and the show isn't bad either. It isn't great, but hey, give 'em credit for trying. They're definitely better than some of the other shitty hipster stuff from that school.

  47. Hey DUBYA. I'm really enjoying your comments here. Invaluable, really.
    Since you mentioned you were bored, I thought I'd throw this up there
    They have two songs under "Play Music" on the right vertical banner. Both original, but I like Cordoba better (that one was selected for Noise ordinance 2). I believe the studio was Spirit Ranch Studios.
    I'm a big fan of the band, but not the cd. :)

  48. hey all,

    my name is dave, i'm the bass player for physical plant. (and passerine.) i've been reading this thing fervently from the beginning and have made two or three short anon posts but i want this to be official. "inb4 shitstorm" i guess.

    anonymous - thanks? glad you like the record. caegan, one of our guitarists/songwriters, also does the engineering. he recorded, mixed, mastered. i can't speak for him, but i think it's pretty good, especially for a first project, and i really respect his work ethic. he's done a lot of advanced software tutorials at new college and has learned a lot that way.

    Dubya - i'm sure you will have something to say. you can be a harsh personality but you're obviously really knowledgeable. if you have any general or even track-specific comments that would be cool.

    personally, i welcome any critiques yinz have. i'm sure we can learn from them. we'll try to work on our live show - not that we aren't always - it's just really tricky to get solid practice time with five members, three of whom are crazy busy writing their theses and one of whom was crazy busy all fall being a high school senior and drumline star. (i know that sounds haughty, but it's true, i'm pretty proud and he deserves some respect. kid did impressive tenor solos on football fridays plus weekend competitions. we'll miss him when he goes to school, but the school is gonna love him.)

    i do want to say a few things regarding new college though. first, yes, i will absolutely join with you in calling it an insular, privileged, hysterically left bubble full of upper-class white kids who don't often see all the facets of our often-shitty world. and, yes, in my individual opinion there is a lot of hipster music going on that i wouldn't choose over a touring or more established local act. noise, performance art stuff, recycling friend circles with hobbyist work ethics, etc. not that i don't like it - i don't turn down much music at all - but yeah, i'd honestly rather see dune train or amazon woman or villanova junction. those bands know their instruments, their songwriting, their stage presence; their craft.

    however, as far as i can tell, the ncf hipsters tend to stay within the ncf bubble. (if you want to call physical plant a hipster band, that's another conversation. let's have it if you want to.) they play shows at a few small on-campus locations and rarely, if ever, play out into other venues.

    want a list of local bands that have current or former new college students as members? this is all i know to be true, there may be more out there i'm unaware of (please add), but if you ask me this is fairly reputable. eff the haters.

    amazon woman - 2 (now 1 ): goodbye graham. A.W. i sure as hell hope you find another guitarist and continue on. you've got such a tight rhythm section and really good songwriting, don't let it slip away.)
    fancy rat - 1
    villanova junction - 2
    passerine - 2
    physical plant - 4
    the new cats - 8? 9? (ncf jazz, they rarely play out right now but have been at growler's / were at the box social)

    plenty of new college students have also composed for the sarasota orchestra and related chamber groups. it's not part of the 'local music scene' but it's worth mentioning.

    FINALLY, i would also like to echo a lot of the comments pleading for a more civil discourse. textual anonymity doesn't have to lead to dog-eat-dog personal attacks. maybe a chums and smiles scene won't grow, but i really doubt that this blood and knuckles shit is much better. let's try and find a middle ground.

    have a wonderful day, ma'am or sir.

    dave baker

  49. wow that was long


  50. Science and Top Secret are good recording studios in Sarasota. They are both relatively cheap, they are both staffed with knowledgeable, patient, un-pretentious people, and they both produce good quality recordings. Top Secret is a bit better in my opinion, but also more expensive.

    If you don't like the local bands, fucking start your own. And if it's good enough, or at least shocking enough, eventually people will like it, whether you're "one of the cool kids" or not.

    Remember, people in real cities are laughing at us as we squabble over nothing in this tiny boring speck in the middle of the worst state in America. Or rather, they would be if they knew we existed.

    Ya'll are some fucking hoes.

  51. Dune Train is typical blues based shit.
    James Cademan was a good laugh. Just bad.
    I like some of the Physical Plant stuff.

  52. Claire, I've met you a couple times and you're a nice lady. Which is why I would like to politely suggest that you quit reading these blog entries. They seem to do nothing but upset you, and you don't seem very good at brushing things off. And all the links to your website are a bit annoying. It's spam. You're spamming, Claire. I just want to read peoples opinions, not advertisements for srq music scene, but on a couple of the entries you were like half the comments. It is a fine website though, I'm not bashing you or the site, so please don't be offended. Just take it down a notch. And grow a thicker skin, or quit reading these entries.

  53. Dubya reads a good deal of GearSlutz but has no real experience or accomplishments.

  54. Casey at 11:02 AM, I fucking love you. In Utopia, what you just said in that comment would be sufficient to stop ALL of the bickering. Of course no one will see it, and if they do, it will go in one ear and out the other. I wish we lived in Utopia.

  55. Yeah, if Dubya had a studio or a job, he wouldn't have the time to hijack this blog with shit he found on the internet. "Sex sells" - Oh, Dubya and his tough love - what a douchebag.

  56. This says it all. Awesome video about the Sarasota music scene. I thought that I would share it to shed some light on the history behind the current regime.

  57. "Dubya reads a good deal of GearSlutz but has no real experience or accomplishments."

    No experience or accomplishments? OK, I said that I wasn't going to post links to any of my work, but I feel that I must respond to these accusations. Feast your ears on this gold, and then tell me that I have no songwriting or production experience.

  58. "I don't shy away from critique, even as beligerant and exaggerated as this blog is because there is some aspect of truth even in the exaggeration. So, have a listen to this one minute promo for my EP and let me know what you think. And I know I don't have to say "be honest". lol."

    I was just bored by it. I feel my previous comments on lonely guys and solo acoustic guitars apply. Your interview stated you'd rather write then perform, so try that. Write some songs and arrangements for a full band for stuff a bit more interesting.

    "Since you mentioned you were bored, I thought I'd throw this up there"

    See, now that's fantastic. The lead guitarist is great and their singer has an amazing voice. Cute to boot. The sound quality is pretty good too. Though acoustic guitars and hand drums are far easier to record than loud amps and trap sets. Only real critique is that it doesn't sound like the guitarist is fretting cleanly throughout the songs, there are a few parts where you get that buzz from pressing too close to the fret.

    "Dubya - i'm sure you will have something to say. you can be a harsh personality but you're obviously really knowledgeable. if you have any general or even track-specific comments that would be cool."

    I'm getting hit with fits of love and hate. The vocal style on Ghostlight makes me want to rip out the singers vocal chords. Not a bad singer, does a pretty good job of staying in key but the way he strains his voice when trying the lower register parts just sounds god awful. The snare sounds distant, volume is a bit low and overly echoy. I like the panning dynamics across your songs but the toms don't sound good and the vocals are roomy. On some of these, did you guys add extra low noise or am I hearing a cumulative effect of the noise floor? So I like your guys production and the songs are interesting, though some of the melodic lines aren't very original, but it seems like a case of where as hard as you might try you just can't quite fix quality problems that were present from the start.

    "Science and Top Secret are good recording studios in Sarasota."

    Top Secret sounds like they have a better room and nicer gear, but their vocal overdubs are all over the place. Could be a fault of the singers, but then when they pan the duplicates to different spots it really doesn't sound like rehearsed harmonies.

    "Dubya reads a good deal of GearSlutz but has no real experience or accomplishments."

    GearSlutz is the festering chamber pot of idiocy that's given all of these sad bands the impression that they can go it alone.

    "Feast your ears on this gold, and then tell me that I have no songwriting or production experience. "

    Check it, y'all, see, I'm in the best fag-metal band in the tri-state area.

  59. Harmonies? It's still a good studio. I've used it, and we didn't have any problems. Of course, we didn't do any harmonies. But you gotta admit that's a very minor flaw at worst. I'm just saying, people need to know they don't need to go to another city to record, unless they're successful as balls, in which case they no longer live here so it's not an issue.

  60. Hey, dubya! thank you for taking the hate down a couple flights of stairs. Seriously. You were out of line before, but now with snark replacing image-bashing and anal-sex references, I can actually appreciate your style of critique and honesty.
    Cheers :)

  61. Oh my Dubya, that was just terrible. Terrible production. Typical stink-rock bullshit. I don't mean to be offensive, but WTF? You have no business commenting on anybody else's recordings, performances, or songs. You have been voted off the island.

  62. "Hey, dubya! thank you for taking the hate down a couple flights of stairs. Seriously. You were out of line before, but now with snark replacing image-bashing and anal-sex references, I can actually appreciate your style of critique and honesty."

    Oh no, the appropriate level of hate is diminishing. I guess I should apologize to The Equines due to the fact that they now seem singled out due to my inability to maintain the effective amount of vitriol in further postings.

    "Oh my Dubya, that was just terrible. Terrible production. Typical stink-rock bullshit. I don't mean to be offensive, but WTF? You have no business commenting on anybody else's recordings, performances, or songs. You have been voted off the island."

    The dangers of anonymity and the inflection-less nature of writing. Unaware idiots just pop out of the woodwork.

  63. oh jesus, dubya, that music was fucking horrible. Recording quality was ok I guess, but that shit was just awful.


    Wow. I hope everyone who thinks Dubya is knowledgeable or has some decent criticism finally pulls the dick outta their ears.

  65. "oh jesus, dubya, that music was fucking horrible. Recording quality was ok I guess, but that shit was just awful."

    Kudos to you, whoever posted the nu-metal; apparently effective disinformation campaign. My credibility is destroyed! Whatever shall I do?!

  66. Hey DUBYA, thanks for the feedback on Cabal. Like I wrote earlier....invaluable.

    For those folks who don't like Dubya's style, hey, call him on it. He's proven that he'll be your huckleberry. He can tangle. But read Dubya's comments in the previous post if you suspect he doesn't know his sound shit. He does. All else seems to boils down with issues of tone and attitude. It's comments on a BLOG, folks.

  67. "I just want to read peoples opinions, not advertisements for srq music scene, but on a couple of the entries you were like half the comments."

    As of right now there have been a total of 841 comments on this blog and I have posted a grand total of 43 of them (44 with this post). I only mention said website in about 1/3 of those, so you might wanna check your math there. Thanks.

  68. Your blog sucks! Get a life!

  69. OK Claire, let's bust out the calculator!

    44 divided by 3 rounds up to 15.

    By your math, you've plugged your website FIFTEEN FUCKING TIMES. That's like a billion* times more than anyone else has plugged their website on here.

    *note (exaggeration: it's not exactly one billion times more. but almost.)

  70. casey at 11:02 am
    "Remember, people in real cities are laughing at us as we squabble over nothing in this tiny boring speck in the middle of the worst state in America. Or rather, they would be if they knew we existed."

    cannot agree more

  71. yes, 15 times I mentioned it. About half of those mentions were RESPONSES to other people's mentions. WOW I really spammed the hell out of a website dedicated to talking about the Sarasota Music Scene with 2 websites that are 100% dedicated to said Sarasota music scene... Oh yes, obviously I was out of line there... Not like it's RELEVANT to the topic or anything.

  72. Let us not forget that THIS thread talks about the Noise Ordinance cd.... the website is and we have a suggestion box there for any ideas you have for improving the next one.

    oh, sorry for the SPAM ....

  73. I thought Claire was done with this blog???!?!?!

  74. ""Remember, people in real cities are laughing at us as we squabble over nothing in this tiny boring speck in the middle of the worst state in America. Or rather, they would be if they knew we existed."

    cannot agree more"

    They'd have to care enough to notice us first lol, no big city anything is looking at SRQ's music scene nor this blog

  75. "I thought Claire was done with this blog???!?!?! "

    I am now. this is my last post.... using my name anyway (hehehe)

    Happy Holidays, all!

  76. Dubya,

    How about some other reviews? Seems like you're the one who both knows and cares enough to do it.

    Amazon Woman?
    Fancy Rat?
    Completely From Mountains?
    North Trail Rhythm Project?
    Villanova Junction?
    Big Blu House?

    Tell us whatcha got

  77. Before I go just remember to check out and be a positive part of the community.

  78. Amazon Woman?
    Fancy Rat?
    Completely From Mountains?
    North Trail Rhythm Project?
    Villanova Junction?
    Big Blu House?

    They all recorded in bad rooms with less than pro consoles, and there's a fret buzz on all of the recordings.

  79. That last post was not from me. If any more posts ever show up with my name on it I promise you it is fake and not from me.

  80. CFM and BBH were recorded at Top Secret

  81. Claires website sucks.

  82. Big shocker... Dubya makes metal trash music.

  83. Hey, this is Caegan, the producer of the Physical Plant EP. Glad you liked some of it. Good ear...the drums were recorded in a garage studio with only two overhead's and a crappy mike on the bass i'm ok with how the drums came out considering that...but they are very far from ideal obviously. The whole EP was actually recorded in a garage and my dorm...and i didn't have much more than a few SM57's to work with. I mastered it myself to the best of my abilities and no one else besides me has touched the recordings. Some of your other comments i'll have to leave as matters of taste...although the Ghostlight vocals definitively kick ass and you need to listen again/get new ears. I also have a very critical ear when it comes to music, but instead of writing a blog i've been trying to hone my craft and get better. I haven't read your blog extensively so maybe i've missed the links to the songs you've wrote and the recordings you've done... BUT I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO HEAR THOSE!! In the pre-songwriting and producing stage of my life,(ages 6-14...i'm 22 now) i used to go around and hate on almost every band basically under the pretense of "they aren't as good as the Beatles or Led Zeppelin so they suck". But then i started writing and recording myself and began to understand how fucking hard it is to actually write and record a good song from start to finish. I laughed my ass off when i first saw your blog and am always a fan of people being brutally honest...but without recordings you've done, i can't even begin to take you seriously even though you sound like you know what your talking about(kinda). You couldn't offend me if you tried, but some of these other people are throwing hissy fits because your not really giving credit to how hard it is to actually get to the point with a band and a producer where you are actually recording high-quality songs. Lets face it, Sarasota is not unique...most bands suck everywhere you go (and actually Sarasota is allot better than most towns its size when it comes to original music) Also, most of these bands your hating on are in their infancy...every one sucks when they start, including all your favorite bands (a list of which would also be nice, if anyone was going to take you seriously). Anyway, i think this is a good/funny idea for a blog, but I think I could personally do a much better job of running it(if i wanted to blog instead of actually make music, which i don't). The first thing i would do is change this stupid font, which has go to be the worst font ever created. Then, i would post much funnier comments than you...and so on. Anyway, good luck with the hating...its funny occasionally.

  84. Can someone please tell me the name of the Sarasota Music Scene website?

    I can't find it. Claire help!!!

  85. ugh. show of hands who wants that fucking website to just DIE? Maybe if we protest enough about it they will take the fucking thing down for good and also while I'm at it Noise Ordinance sucks too. Please don't do another one - EVER.

    Who's with me?

  86. OK I know I said I wouldn't say anything else but I saw the comment above, asking directly for the website. So if anyone wants to know, it's Remember, Noise Ordinance has a website too and a suggestion box in the corner to make the event more successful in the future. Thanks so much!!

  87. ^Again, not posted by Claire. a promise is a promise. -C (no, I'm not just fucking with you. It's a fake post. As will be any more that get posted. To whomever is doing it: not funny. I don't really care if the site is running or not. I'll take it down. It's not there for my benefit. Frankly it's a big expensive pain in the butt. I can take it or leave it)

  88. Alright people that last comment was not me. This is me. I am getting sick and tired of people hating on a website that was designed specifically to help people in the community and be a tool for local musicians/fans of local music. The last straw has been placed on this camels back. So now, I'm going to dish it out.

    I think Erin Murphy does sound like a goat. Its not good or bad, its just true. And I hate the circle of 15 or so friends that all monopolize the music scene and only have each other in each others bands. Bard and Mustache, Equines, Cats in the Basement, Fancy Rat etc. Try something new you guys! You all play the exact same songs. But I still support you with the website and by being involved in the community, even though I don't particularly care for the music.

    I wish there was some new band that would come out of the woodwork and just blow everyone away. And not to sound like a broken record, but since this will be my last comment, remember to check out It really is a good website. Thanks.

  89. ^obviously a fake post. If Claire said that she won't post anymore using her name, I can assure you she means it. She is a good friend of mine and always true to her word. Anyone who knows her will know that she's just being fucked with at this point and is not posting this stuff.

  90. I'm really over this Claire / not Claire bullshit. Is there really nothing else to talk about??? Seriously? NEW TOPIC PLEASE! This is retarded.

  91. YAWN. This is almost worse than the fucking Mine Canary posts. Someone is posing as someone else? On this blog? no! say it isn't so! So fucking lame.

  92. I just spoke to Claire and she says she was unaware that posts were continuing in her name. NONE of them from the last couple of days were from her. NONE. But she says Thank You for the free publicity and since you all seem to care so much, here's a couple of things she wanted me to pass along:
    1. Come to the David Bowie tribute show Jan 8th
    2. she may or may not do Noise 3 but is focused on other things right now, so no decision has been made
    3. is getting another overhaul to become a local event posting site first and foremost and since that is clunky right now due to the platform it is built on, look for another new version next month.
    4. Happy Holidays!

  93. "local event posting site first and foremost"

    not to beat a dead horse, but I think that would be better. The current site is really cluttered with useless crap and as long as they don't play favorites with the posts and any one can post their events and it was presented in a much cleaner way, that site might actually be worth it, except for the name, of course. Can that be changed too? If I hear the word "scene' one more time I might just go jump off the skyway.

  94. "If I hear the word "scene' one more time I might just go jump off the skyway."

    please do... one less talentless douchebag in the world.

    suck my balls

  95. NTRP just got a new percussionist! Their live shows are amazing, though they are a new-ish band. I can't wait to see what they create.

    Happy Holidays everyone. May you be surrounded by gratitude and generosity this weekend.

  96. bands promoting themselves on this blog:

    you aren't going to win any fans here and are only hurting yourselves by being desperate assholes in the eyes of everyone reading.

  97. "I miss Claire!!! "

    I don't.

  98. NTRP blows. A bunch of old guys that have no songwriting skills. They just jam on one chord progression and don't know how to actually arrange a song. No changes, no breakdown, no chorus, just play for twenty minutes till everyone leaves out of boredom. They are all great musicians, but that doesn't mean they are good songwriters.

    Oh yeah, and get a singer.

    Ha...old men.

  99. There aren't a whole lot of people making "good music" in this town because there are even fewer people who actually listen it.

  100. Schweddy Balls are salty and delicious!

  101. define "good music". according to you

  102. this blog is pathetic and useless.

  103. "There aren't a whole lot of people making "good music" in this town because there are even fewer people who actually listen it."


    I think remember, way back in the drummer's night critique thread, someone saying that perhaps the most pathetic thing about Sarasota is that 100-150 people is, like, a fucking amazing turnout.

    There aren't enough people here to populate more than a handful of good shows on any given Friday. One amazing show, a handful of good ones, a smattering of mediocre ones (the usual), or a bunch of half-empty bars - take your pick SRQ

  104. Hey, this is Caegan again, sooo i was under the impression that the author of this blog was the user Dubya, which is apparently not the case, so my earlier post kinda doesn't make sense cause it is directed at two people who i thought were one person. But an intelligent individual should be able to parse out which comments are for whom. Woops, sorry.

  105. can we focus for a moment on how The Closet as booked the scam scum Deejay Drager for The Blue Owl??? apart from being a lackluster, shitty, outdated DJ, this guy has an a-hole record longer than all of these comment streams put together.

  106. ding dong, the blog is dead!

    fa la la la la la la la

  107. The comments on this blog are embarrassingly unamusing. The posts themselves however are priceless. I would like it if you reviewed more live shows.

  108. wow, Claire left and this thing DIED.

  109. I know...i miss Claire. Tell Claire we need her here!!!


  111. Over rover seend jimi right over

  112. Ahhhhh! Nothing smells better than the burning residue of hipster self- exploration drunk off Daddy's college fund OR perhaps the sweet sight of an overly expressive songster/tress? making air love to a popular cover and calling it original art. My escapade at the local Cock & Bull this past Saturday left me wondering why wasn't this blog created sooner or was I going to half to slit my wrists by the campfire just to enjoy myself. I can't imagine why the world permits such young minds to gain the sense of "all knowing" because they sat through an art semester when the library is down the street. I have begun to loose faith in the scene all together. I suppose it never occurs to most local musicians that Sarasota, by ratio, is a very small town and their fan base includes only about 500 people. To me, I wouldn't call that an accomplishment, but rather a limited social scene. If you start holding a candle to your face you may realize that your pores are looking larger this morning after your evening dose of PBR and bullshit. Next time you all choose to open your mouths to sing or spray, please keep it among your flannel friends. I would prefer an evening free from cock breath. Thanks

  113. Are you talking about the Finch House Bullshit or NYE? I'm sure either one was crap. Well, Villanova Junction is the exception...

  114. come to Cock & Bull this Sunday to see the fabulous Villanova Junction and other bands do Bowie tunes. Take a break from the "scene" and come hang out with us and drink some warm beer out of a plastic cup!

  115. Fancy Rat, wtf?? A bunch of shitty "artists" on stage making weird noises, wtf is with that gook beat boxing? Seriously awful.

  116. Hey, To the shitbag with the "gook" racist fucker...I am gonna find out who you are and beat the fuck out of you...why don"t you come down to where I work and we can go out back and I will beat the racist out of you....Hey, Daedalus.. are you proud of yourself? letting racist posts like this on your site? I am very disappointed.. you should have deleted that one...

  117. That was the straw that broke the camel's back...Watch out...I'm gonna stop this crap...

  118. Pete Hansen is an asshole.

  119. LOL... Yes i am!!!..That last poster must be my wife!!!

  120. Welcome to the internet, Pete. Jesus, racism is more prevalent online than it was in Nazi Germany. Chill. This is nothing new.

  121. Alright. Say what you will about Fancy Rat, you're entitled to not like the band. But seriously, you're gonna come out and call me a gook? Wow. Honestly, if you have qualms with me being asian, come to me and say it to my face. I won't fight you. Won't even flinch to hit you. But don't be a little coward and use words that you're not prepared to say in a face-to-face meeting. And listen, I've been called plenty of different racial slurs before and at least those bigots had the balls to say it to me and not on some slam blog so they could feel like they're a part of something... even if that something is made just to shit on other people.

  122. obviously this blog has run its course and the "critique" of the local music scene has come to an end.. Let's all just ignore it now and it will go away. Quit posting comments, it just fuels the fire. When there is nothing professional left to say and the stupid trolls resort to childish personal attacks and racial slurs, it is time to call it quits. This is why I left. I've gotten a lot from this blog, but it's over now. -Claire (yes, really me this time)

  123. Pete Hansen like's to put his cock into little boys. He settled out of court like Michael Jackson.

  124. A Former Friend of Pete HansenJanuary 8, 2012 at 9:10 PM

    Pete Hansen's grandpa used to force him to perform in fuck and suck sessions as a small child. No wonder he has sexual urges towards young boys.

    Whassamatta Petey? Mad that grandpa ain't around no more to play with your penee?

  125. please update your blog. don't be so lazy man.

  126. I have actually heard some not so nice things about mr. Hansen. These posters, aren't that far off...

  127. "please update your blog. don't be so lazy man."

    Why bother? The comments section has been dead for a week and the blog owner was an abrasive idiot who didn't know shit about music in the first place.

  128. I came simply to see what the "buzz" was about, disappointed in all the negativity, music is art, love it or not. To the bands, keep doing what you are doing, grow, but never stop expressing yourself, that is what music is about. I am so glad to see original artist expressing themselves in Sarasota. To the haters,you have taken something that could be positive and beneficial to musicians and just fucked it all up. If you chose to keep hating, it is your choice in how you want us to perceive you, but you are truly showing your ignorance ! I prefer optimism over the alternative......

  129. See bands, even if you blow chunky testicles and will never make it out of Sarasota, you'll still have Toolie McToolface proclaiming he thinks it's awesome that there happen to be local bands--even if they've never heard of them--and want you to keep pressing on, pressing on--even though they'll never show up to your gig.

  130. I just want everyone to know that I thoroughly enjoyed getting it up the ass from Grandpa as a small boy. I especially liked it when Grandpa would stinkface me with his hairy ass cheeks. Whole lot of ball tongue action too.

    Also yes I did recently cheat on my wife with a hot Brazilian transsexual hooker on 14th St! We gave each other massages while in our thongs then buttfucked the night away! Too bad my tiny dick couldn't please her/him but I sure got my poo shoot torn. Boy did I feel like Michael J Fox in prison! Best $200.00 I've ever spent.

    This only proves how uber straight I am!


    I love you Marizela. Please don't put the video on Youtube. Thanks.

  131. Hi, I'm Brian Yoder and i'm in one of those shitty bands. Can you imagine how much worse i was a few years ago when i started playing out for the first time? Not pretty. But nobody ever booed, or criticized, or name-called even one little bit.
    Due to an enjoyment of music, and a lack of emotional or even physical resistance from the audience, i kept on playing. Soon i found others. We got louder. Now we get a pretty good turnout for a local band, but that's not the point. If just a few more people would have had the guts to tell me to stop playing in the beginning, no one would have ever had to listen to fancy rat. Or any other band, for that matter. So, plain and simple, i blame the negligence of the naysayers. You brought this on yourselves. However, at least you are being creative with some of your insults and critiques! At least you're not playing beer pong, or watching t.v., or raising children!

    WHEW! okay, now i feel better. Like.. part of the community!

  132. Ding dong the blog is dead..

  133. My balls itch. Kids fuck for money on the internets
    Eventually, they wake. A bad hangover
    All the world knows of their desperation
    Exploited for a singular sensation
    Thanks my balls are good now.

  134. oh gawd, is this thing still online? Daedalus take it down! It's taking up valuable interweb space.



    yep. mystery over.

    "S-FART-Q is an artist collective that positions it's self against...those who play ball with the system. We refuse to hop on bandwagons and gravy trains, alike. We mean DIY when we say DIY. It is not a phrase to us, it is a mode of existence."
