Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Review of Mine Canary's "Music"

Dear Friends,

I have to be completely honest with you; up until today I had no idea who Mine Canary were.  When people were talking about "toy instruments" I admittedly laughed despite having no clue which band was the culprit.  I am ashamed.  I did, however, just finish trying to listen to all of the "songs" off of their new "album" called Sentinel.  The first question I have to ask is:  why would somebody make electronic music that you can't dance to?  I don't think there exists a party drug in the world that would make this "music" listenable, and I've seen party drugs make two fat guys want to make out.  I mentioned in one of my previous posts that the "experimental" label is very often used as a polite way of saying "this music lowers the quality of my life," but  I'd like to touch on another problem with "experimental" or "abstract" music.  Most of the abstract art you see in galleries were created by people that studied their craft in an academic institution for many years and were given the task of observing their contemporaries as well as the long-dead greats.  These artists are generally very talented from a young age and tend to view the world in a very special way that gives them their particular flair.  So when you go to a gallery and see some abstract art and you think to yourself "wow what a waste of paint, this painting looks like two 5-year-olds had a paint fight over a piece of canvas," just remember that the artist is generally a learned, insightful,  and skilled individual who arrived at their abstract piece deliberately and after years of training.

Sooo, when two weirdos with costumes and/or asymmetrical haircuts decide they're going to "make music" that is "experimental," I feel like they have really just decided they''ll fuck around with their old toys that they picked up when they were home from college and decided to mash on buttons while recording it with their macbook.

Mine Canary, if you guys think you write music, then I must be Ernest Hemingway.

Daedalus Aflame


  1. Thanks for listening. <3

    J&K of MC

  2. You can't just pick up a toy a do what they do, their toy instruments are circuit bent, look that up. they take time and electrical knowledge to alter these toys to do more. Experimental music to me is a defiance of your preconceived notions of what you think music should be, I have heard experimental music that made me feel like i was tripping my ass off with no drugs. The brain is much more powerful than you apparently have ability to use. there is tons of electronic music that isn't "dance" music but you seem to know it all. dance is only a small portion of electronic music. Im sure the local Noise scene has a bigger crowd than anything you or any band you are attached to could ever pull

    This was no review, your just fanning flames, asshole.

  3. It should definitely be called "abstract sound" or "crazy noise" or something, its far from music.

  4. There is no authority out there to tell you what's acceptable and what isn't. You try to appeal to this institutional authority with your example of abstract artists but the fact is that's in the past. PS Mine Canary will colonize your ass! (not affiliated with the band)

  5. I have had the chance to see these guys, I never felt more embarrassed in my life.

  6. We do agree with the above, Mr. Aflame. This is a pitiful review. We have heard actual critique of our work in an institutional setting among other artists. And this is pale in comparison. We thank you for your time spent listening to our "Music". We thank you for the time spent writing this review for whatever it's worth. However I'm not sure you're qualified to discuss art in general and more specifically not the work of two showing, degree holding artists. You've never attended any performance apparently. This is the most crippling blow to your credibility. If you're going to be so quick to reference art or art history in comparison with a music genre you should really take your own advise and become acquainted with the subject your reviewing. Your guidelines for quality of abstraction are antiquated at best. If you're going to speak on such things you should really do some more research as to what you're actually talking about and whom you are talking to. We assumed that there would be no merit to any of your critique but we hoped to be proven wrong. Thanks anyway.

  7. Only an ignorant C U N T would write a review like this. If you listen to something you cannot grasp, then put it down and walk away like the failure you are. Don't attempt to criticize it in a negative way just because you're frustrated with your own life and possess a TINY range of art knowledge.
    "why would somebody make electronic music that you can't dance to?"
    That is the most ignorant and uneducated question I've ever heard somebody ask in a music review.
    I understand it wasn't really a "question", but instead just your way of attempting to burn something and come out dignified, but instead it just makes you look like an ignorant c u n t that not only fails at identifying art, but also fails miserably trying to explain how much they don't understand art.

  8. Oh I forgot... We are wrong to say you've never attended a performance. The two artists involved in Mine Canary consider the concept of the "Internet Persona" and trolling in general to be a significant contemporary art medium. So you have been to a performance and even participated in it. Thank you again. All the best.
    Kristen and Jack of Mine Canary.

  9. Saying "cunt" over and over makes a person look like an ignorant cunt, actually.

    "This is the most crippling blow to your credibility."

    No, that was when he supported the cock n bull

    "why would somebody make electronic music that you can't dance to?"

    I find this question extremely relevant and not rhetorical. Seriously, why would you make "music" without any rhythm? Its just sound. Not saying it can't be considered art, but its not music by any definition.

  10. "A blog dedicated to talking shit about Sarasota local music."

    Living up to your mission statement. Not worth taking seriously.

  11. This review reads like someone's mom who doesn't get why her kids aren't into Led Zeppelin, stuck in the muck of moldy old themes based on rock star and child prodigy. Punk rock destroyed these themes a long time ago. It's time to get over it. Anyone can create. There is no special club. Mine Canary happens to create sounds that fall under some people's definition of music, and some people's definition of enjoyable music.

    There is also a spirit of DIY in the "circuit bend your own instrument" philosophy of Mine Canary. I doubt yo yo ma has ever made his own cello or whatever dumb instrument he plays.

    In my head you listen to yo yo ma all day. And your negative fluff factory has wasted 2 minutes and 45 seconds of my day.

    Christopher Nadeau

  12. "yo yo ma" ... "dumb instrument" ... like it or not, he is one of the mosted gifted musicians on the planet and talking about him that way completely debunks in musical credibility you may have.

  13. I can hide my name too.December 13, 2011 at 10:37 AM

    Typical review from a troll hiding behind a disguised name.

  14. "I find this question extremely relevant and not rhetorical. Seriously, why would you make "music" without any rhythm? Its just sound. Not saying it can't be considered art, but its not music by any definition."

    Ignorant. See Brian Eno, the past 50+ years of electronic music, modern classical, musique concrete, etc.

    Equally as ignorant is thinking Mine Canary lacks beats or can't be danced to: http://minecanary.bandcamp.com/album/sentinel

    see also: gabber, breakcore, digital hardcore, the past 20+ years of huge underground scenes around the world which is fast, noisy, and gets danced to.

    You just don't know what you're talking about.


  15. I'd looooooove to meet the person whom typed up this uneducated review in-person and hand them an ass-kicking much worse than what they got from their abusive parents. Their life is so broken, they want everyone else to feel as bad as they do. Sad, they've decided to use that energy on shitty blogs. Wow, what an accomplishment. No wonder you were never picked up and held as a child.

  16. "why would somebody make electronic music that you can't dance to?"

    I think we're happy to dissect this as a relevant question. The history of "Noise Music" or whatever you want to call it does not tend to promote a driven beat to be prominent in any song or composition. Previously noise was something that eschewed rhythm in pursuit of a more tone based appreciation for sound as music or art. Mine Canary embraces a pop, house, or hip hop influenced approach to noise music by presenting distorted drum beats played along side circuit bent instruments. This serves as a contrast between contemporary music and the less popular experimental sound genres. If you can't dance to some of our songs it's ok. But we have seen lots of people do it.

  17. I could with a dose of LSD I bet! I could dance to the noise my computer monitor makes as well though.

  18. I've seen Andrew Chadwick dance like crazy to Mine Canary and I'm pretty sure he's not on any mind altering drugs.

  19. wait.. I think Andrew is a mind altering drug/

  20. "why would somebody make electronic music that you can't dance to?" -Karlheinz Stockhausen

  21. Thanks for the attention. We desperately crave it. But let's get back to the real issues of the Cock'n'Bull.

  22. Amen, Mine Canary, amen. And good for you willing to post your name on a comment about CnB. I still don't understand how this blogger can give them a slap on the back. WTF Daedelus? They are one of the worst involved in SRQ's music industry by a long shot. How can you support them like that?

  23. Oh we actually don't know anything about the venue. Never played there. Only been to a handful of shows there. We don't remember much other than booze was expensive. Just seemed like a lot of people didn't like it.

  24. wow. you can dish it but you can't take it, huh, Mine Canary? You were all trash talking and changing your FB profile pic to the background of this blog, and "we're the worst band in Sarasota", so Daedalus gave you what you wanted: a shitty revue, just like you asked for... and now you're all like "Waaaaahhhhh. you don't understand our music"


  25. To the BARBIE GIRL who wrote this review:
    Seriously? You can't find an ounce of creativity within you to be able to find an interpretive dance for experimental electronic music?
    Lazy bitch. I guess bopping your head side to side in your Barbie world kinda prevents you from joining the thinkers.
    Like one of the many people here that hate you said, you are an ignorant c u n t.

  26. Hey reviewer! You know who Mine Canary is, so why don't you tell us who YOU are? I'd loooove to introduce myself to you in-person.
    ...or better yet, I'll do a bit of investigating and find out your information myself. I'll be glad to share it with everybody. I have a feeling you're going to have some serious car trouble in the very near future.
    Dance to that.

  27. And, that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he (and many of us) are remaining anonymous.

  28. "Waaaaahhhhh. you don't understand our music"

    Never said that. Never asked for a review. Never whined when it was negative. But you know what we do consistently? Call people out on their bullshit and always post our name. Keep trying, sport.

  29. Obviously a whole lot of you don't read this blog...the reviewers identity was already given.
    Using the word "cunt" does not make you sound intelligent.
    Throwing around random insults also does not make you sound intelligent.
    Other than that...this is likely the most amusing thing I've read in a while. I'm not from Sarasota...so I have no clue what you are reviewing or talking about but the comments...wow...you guys really take things to heart. This is hysterical.

  30. His identity was revealed and he said he was going to stop posting, but the daedelus facebook account has not confirmed it is that guy and he has continued to post. Not sure they are really the same person...

  31. If you knew him you would know it was correct.

  32. vitriol doesn't accomplish anything, y'all

  33. What the fuck is "musical credibility?" I feel like nobody involved in Sarasota music is qualified to judge music. Has anyone around here had any real musical success? This scene is just something to pass the time in a town for old people. Who the fuck cares? 9/10th's of these bands will all be broken up in a year anyway. Everyone needs to just chill out, These are unsigned bands.

  34. so some people dislike experimental music, aka, compositions which organize sound in new and provocative ways. this is nothing new. if you think a composition needs groove to be music, then go search those musics out and enjoy them peacefully. you must also hate metal, smooth jazz, and classical, no? yet they are 'music'?

  35. Grandpa didn't accept rock and roll as music, either: "It's just a bunch of noise."

  36. this is extremely relevant:


    don't be a buncha grandpas

  37. Big difference, grandpa was already older when he said he hated rock n roll, I'm in my 20's and I hate noise music

  38. Interesting questions squeeze to the top of the multitude of antiquated thought turds floating around the toilet bowl of this conversation.

    First, what is success in music/art? Financial success? Surely not, as creativity cannot be measured as a commodity. Moving so many units of a product can be impressive, but it is not a way to judge success in creative endeavors.

    Second, does the ability to regurgitate premade music through rote memorization automatically qualify anyone as a gifted musician? In my opinion it is the lowest of all forms of musical expression.

    Third, basing this trite blog on negativity, how can the authors be surprised when negative comments are flung back at them?

    Fourth, since the record industry has been slain, where do terms “signed” or “unsigned” exist in our new reality that we have created? DIY culture based on the dangerous aspects of rock n roll, pushing boundaries, questioning, hips swiveling, new sounds, destruction of the old guard, kill yr idols, has no need for commercial considerations.

    Start a band.

    Christopher Nadeau

  39. Nah, success is definitely a financially and/or products moved based metric.

  40. seems like a whole lotta people here can't just deal with the idea that someone, somewhere, might actually enjoy art music and listen to it for personal enjoyment.

    I know I do and my girlfriend does, and when we go to the shows we have a really good time and look forward to the next one.

    in that sense, local noise musicians, Mine Canary included (seen you guys play twice now) are far more successful to her and I than anything we'd ever hear on the radio or VHS or whatever.

    either way, trolls be trollin' x)

  41. I feel success is certainty a relative term.

  42. There are personal (relative/subjective) levels of success and their are societal driven measures of success (sales, reach, etc.)

  43. so many diamonds produced from all ya'll ubertight assholes. christ.

  44. Outed, yes; but I still have an opinion to voice. If you want to discuss anything in person, feel free to meet me anytime at the "Blue Shelter". I hear they've even booked a "Worst Bands in Sarasota" event in my honor!

  45. My main point is there is no need to judge any local bands. Who cares if you think someone elses band sucks.

  46. Mine Canary's "music" which is really just sounds, is basically an atari video game's sounds only they're being shat out of a overdressed, hipster couple.

    It is not interesting. It is not needed. And if there are seriously people out there wasting the hallucinogenic properties of a beautiful chemical like LSD on this shit, then you don't deserve to be taking drugs in the first place.

  47. when I go to a show and watch a band play, why in the least bit would I base my opinion of the artists on their "societal driven measures of success"?

    if we're somehow lending credence to the idea that artists should be analyzed based on sales and reach as real criteria for talent than you can personally count me out.

    i enjoy the music quite a bit on a personal level and if you ask me that should be the only thing that matters to an artist really: the idea that your art is enjoyed and desired by at least some of the people who perceive it.

    then again i have no artistic talent at all so I guess I really don't know wtf i'm taking about

  48. So what if Jack looks like a bum who needs a bath and Kristen has an asymmetrical hair cut. to each their own, plus i think shes beautiful (sorry jack) I for one know what its like to make music that people don't like but its funny to me because the ones that don't are the same people i don't like, no loss. MC are loved in a noise scene (pretty large one too) where one can get dissed for even having beats. They took a stale artsy fartsy scene and made in hardcore by adding fast heavy distorted beats. i have seen people dance to MC. I don't think said writer can even dance to begin with, it seems said writer lacks enjoyment of any kind. DIY success has nothing to do with money or pushing product, those days went bye bye with the internet and failing corporate record labels. Who want to be the next Nickleback anyway? Your comparison to artist with proper schooling is flawed considering both Jack and Kristen attend and have degrees from Ringling

  49. societal driven measures of success help slim the pool size a bit. If I see 5 shows going on and one has a bigger following (more successful in an absolute measurment) then I will not waste my time seeing a band that may be shit. Bands that don't have that kind of following have to build it, I understand that, so open up for a successful band, or play on a night when tons of other shit isn't happening, or play a friends house party, etc.

  50. Pretty sure whoever writes this blog has never read an actual "critique" or a "review". This is just a bunch of unfocused whining.

  51. so if the 5 shows are of completely different genre and the shitty brostep in the crappy club has 10x the people as the others you'd be more inclined to visit that one?

    popularity as a function of talent is only true if you're saying that your opinion on music is similar to all the other people people attending shows.

  52. following isn't the ONLY criteria, but its a big one. Also, depends where you are. Unfortunately its highly possible brostep will be the most active show, but if you go to another city with a better music scene the odds are slim it won't be a great show.

  53. uninformed +
    herd mentality +
    limited world view
    your blog is fail

  54. It's quite comical to me how the talentless assholes from Mine Canary at first act as though they could care less about what this blog says about them only to continually post in some attempt to validate their garbage music, excuse me.. noise.

    I gave a listen to about 3 of their "songs", finished them nearly til the end which was hard enough. A combination of boredom and lack of any kind of musical talent was what prevented me from being able to finish, though I got close to the end and even skipped to it on 2 of the "songs" just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Sure enough I wasn't.

    To all the morons defending this "noise" I ask you.. what talent does it take to make this? A very basic understanding of looping in Pro Tools, clipping effects and shitty modulation/EQ'ing? Hell you could probably even do this in Audacity it's so basic. I've heard better noise from Mindless Self Indulgence and even the Left Rights, which are shit groups in and of themselves and coincidentally what this seems to be a worse more simplistic imitation of. Dubstep almost looks like Mozart compared to this. Yes.. it sucks THAT BAD!

    Degree holding, eh? Well if you anusheads have musical degrees or training of any sort why waste it on this nothingess? You don't have to make something danceable but how about something with even a vague amount of rhythm or melody?

    Oh I forgot. You're too intellectually superior to us knuckle-dragging melody lovers amirite? Yes, why only a stone age person could appreciate the Stone Gods certainly. We all bow and kneel before your pseudo-intellectualness.

  55. We love this blog!
    Bow lower. Drag knuckles harder.

  56. We promise we're not as pretentious as that comment makes us sound. We really do appreciate all the feedback. If we seem to blow off certain comments it's not because we think we're trying to ignore negative review. However we are professionals and we appreciate intelligent critique. It's become an issue of weeding out angry trolls (who we love very much) from those that might actually engage us in an interesting conversation.

  57. Lol

    No wonder you love this blog. Before it no one but you and like 4 other individuals knew you existed. Now we all know how much you suck!


    You 2 are hipster assholes, albeit funny. I will say that. It's also appreciated that you can handle criticism, and rightfully so. However anyone with an even remote shred of intellectual propensity though wouldn't have tried to legitimately defend such mindless noise.

    I would recommend self-deprecating stand up comedy as a good alternative to this noise career, because if I hear any more of it I will be stabbing both Jack and Kristen's eyes out with a knife.


  58. how in the hell did Mine Canary manage to hijack this entire blog?

    They must be marketing geniuses or something to pull that off. They didn't even show up here until yesterday. Kicked "that website", Noise Ordinance, Cock & Bull, and Finch House right in the nuts.

  59. "However...a remote shred of intellectual propensity though" may be one of the most awkward stylistic constructions I've seen on this whole shithole of a blog. It has a bit of an english-as-a-second-language flair to it.

  60. Yeah because so many Mexicans who just hopped the border speak and type just like that when they first learn English. Dumb ass.

  61. me and my asymmetrical hair cut say u'r too straight laced!

  62. "how in the hell did Mine Canary manage to hijack this entire blog?
    They must be marketing geniuses or something to pull that off."

    They're actually notorious for that.

  63. Reviler likes metal-core

  64. Stabbing my eyes out would require you to meet me face to face. I don't think you have the balls to do either, pookie.
    <3 Kristen

  65. (i have really big eyes... easy target.)

  66. Awesome review. That band sucks.

  67. Like noise? Hate noise? Tune in to WSLR tonight at 11pm. Dan Reaves is performing live.
    I have a feeling this blog will get plugged.

  68. Either this blog or my ears are getting plugged because this music sucks!

  69. Actual or seemingly erroneous technical grammatical usage(s) aside, a true intellectual would not attempt to persuade others to take mind-numbing random noise devoid of any melody or cohesive rhythm seriously as music.

    Funny how one must supposedly be "angry" to criticize poor quality noise and can't do it out of pure objectivism. Note that there are no attempted refutations to any of my points because there are no actual ones. Professional? Ha!

    "Professional assholes" are the only pro titles you've earned with this exceptionally bland, digitized and randomized collection of pointless sounds you've made along with your ardent attempted defense of it.

    Also, it doesn't take some kind of amazing mechanical genius to mod a toy's electronics in regards to sound manipulation. There are only instructions, schematics and even in depth videos out there that show anyone how to do it with no prior electrical training. One doesn't even have to fully know or understand Ohm's Law.


    It's okay that you have really big eyes Kristen.

    I'll just use a bigger knife when I stab them out.

  70. Are we now redefining success? Well, according to the new definition of success (as per this blog), the SRQ artsy fartsy bands must be the most successful in the world!!

    -They have less fans than their number of appendages.

    -They sell less product than they give away.

    -None are signed to a legitimate record label, and yet all are jealous, and hateful toward one other.

    Congratulations artists!!

    We non artists can only aspire to be as "successful" as you!!

    I would come to your gigs and buy stuff, but I certainly don't want to hamper your "success".

  71. i have known many people to make a "successful" music career with record labels and fans and units sold, only to come back defeated, beat by the industry they thought they wanted to be part of. Making music you like and enjoy and having fun with people you like make for a much better life. I quit a band that had relative success because i was not happy doing it. MC got exactly what they wanted (to hijack this POS blog) and blog writer got what they wanted (hit count) Music is art, Music should be free, performance is where the money should be but unfortunately validated from previous post, scenes are popularity contests and i commend any band who does not buy into that bullshit. Maybe MC "music" is toy generated happenstance over a 180BPM distorted kick drum but there is plenty of "noise" music that comes from trained musicians. It maybe a "free album" by choice but let me know next time one of your bands push 1000 downloads in a week. I don't think any bands in MCs scene are hateful to each other, there is, however, a great deal of respect thrown around that scene. You may think it takes no talent but i really dont think you or your illegitimate 5 year old could pull off what MC or any other noise artist do.

  72. "I quit a band that had relative success because i was not happy doing it."

    LOL, I've heard so many failed musicians say that line. I bet you guys were just about to make it too, huh?

  73. anyone can look up on the internet how to mod a toy or how to make a dubstep wobble, It not as easy as they make it look and bitch i modded an $800 used drum machine with no schematics and guess what...i had to use ohms law. I also eventually fried said drum machine but i don't care. SO what, anyone can look up on the internet how to play guitar, that's what is great about the internet, well that and the fact that record labels are no longer needed, and you can reach like minded people, well its also good for flaming others opinions i guess. keep it up i needed something to do

  74. Failed musician...,no i make money making music that makes me happy so im not a failure by any means, bet we were about to make it...depends on your definition of making it, owing a record label a shit load of money until your lucky enough (regardless of quality or talent)to win a popularity contest/fashion show....whatever! LOL fuck you! It was a choice i made cause i was sick of playing fucking metal core.

  75. I love the dumb fuck who just admitted to frying an $800 drum machine in an attempt to sound smart lol.

  76. Nice Try Angry CriticDecember 14, 2011 at 5:59 AM

    I gotta say a few things you did wrong with this review so you can do better in the future.

    1. You gave a music review to a noise band.

    2. If you listen to a band and you can't draw any similarities or influences to other musicians or artists then maybe you aren't qualified to review that particular band and should pick something else to review.

    You obviously are not familiar with noise bands nor do you enjoy them.

    This post should have been titled : "Why I dislike noise music" and maybe used Mine Canary as an example and not as the focus.

    You should try to redeem yourself by reviewing a band in a genre that you can understand.

    better luck next time

  77. i didn't say i paid $800, it was worth that and it worked for awhile, until i pushed it beyond its boundaries, kinda like what MC does with music and what we manged to do with this ignorant blog. keep showing your level of intelligence, its quite comical. The point i was making is that i used ohms law. Selective reading asshole.

  78. do that shit all the time, buy broken electronics, fix them just to break them again, that's just the kind of thing I enjoy. Better than badly writing/posting negativity to a crapass blog to make yourself fell better. Better than living with you parents. Better than sucking the dick of media corporate whores. Better than not thinking for yourself and buying into the salve mentality of if i don't like it's crap.

  79. Anonymous sure posts a lot. Stop talking to yourself!

    Geez people, at least have the guts to choose a freaking pseudonymn.

  80. There have been multiple violent threats on this blog, no way I'm posting anything not anonymously. Guess I can use a pseudonym though.

  81. you mean like knives to the eyes

  82. The biggest issue with modern electronic music is that it's trivial to make. Sure it's easy to fool those with no knowledge of music technology, but the rest of us know that making modern electronic music just doesn't take the dedication and the same amount of time to learn as it did 30 years ago. There's a fundamental difference between interacting with an analog oscillator in real time to create a compelling piece compared to picking and tweaking presets in software to get what you want. Feel is the most important difference. Whether you define your noise as the playing with the rhythm prevalent in frequencies only a few hertz off, or the dissonance of unnatural sounds, or behavior of feedback in how you hold your guitar to the amp, its feel that guides the progression of the sounds. Once that's quantized digitally, the feel is lost even if there are an infinite number of sounds that can now be created. Once you enter the realm of looping and digital synthesis that natural driving force of music is lost. Sure, the kids bounce to the untss untss untss untss of simple dance music at raves. But they're on drugs. If you've taken acid and analyzed the difference in yourself while listening to repetitive house or dubstep versus the less looped based trance and trip-hop, you'll get what I mean. You probably understand it even more if you've done that and also experienced the age old tradition of listening to the Dark Side of the Moon on acid.

    Of course there's the argument that "well now that it's trivial, everyone can do it and we'll all be more culturally enriched". Well on that I just call bullshit. When it comes to the debate on "common man DIY music" there's the example of punk rock defeating the pretentious bastards that spent thousands of hours perfecting their skills playing progressive rock. If that's so true, then who were those multitude of punk bands? How many of them can you actually name? Yeah, everybody knows the Clash and the Sex Pistols. Why does everybody know them? Because they did it better then their contemporaries. Time is its own filter, with billions of people, millions of bands and only a hundred years to live the common man is going to get forgotten. Those with dedication will go down in history and those who consider it "a fun thing that anyone can do" will be forgotten.

    A bit on circuit bending--as I understand it, I've never done it but I do have experience designing and building amps. It seems to be a practice of random fiddling. Sure, you can short one signal path with another and end up with something funky, but if you're doing it blindly like that you have just as high a chance of blowing the transistors. It's a gambling game, it's not the skill of understanding how resistors and capacitors effect the frequency content of an analog signal. It's not even the skill of understanding the complex programming necessary to replicate those sounds in digital. It's akin to an infinite number of monkeys typing out Hamlet.

  83. tell that "bit on circuit bending" to this guy http://www.getlofi.com/

  84. To the writer,

    Please don't threaten Kristen. Even if you're joking.

  85. Marty, at least have the decency to delete threatening comments if you are going to maintain this blog at all.

    And if you say you can't then learn how to use a computer.


  86. This blog needs to be retired. It has become an outlet for people to be petty and mean spirited behind the cloak of a computer screen.

    I think i speak for the majority when i say I would enjoy anonymous, valid critiques of local bands that are well thought out and don't include petty personal stabs. i.e: trivial comments about a band's name, haircuts or personal hygiene.

    Let's keep it about the music

  87. Yo-Yo Ma on the floor of a bathroom with a wombat....


  88. It STARTED as an outlet for people to be petty and mean spirited behind the cloak of a computer screen: "A blog dedicated to talking shit about Sarasota local music."

    Calling it "your band is fail" also highlights its negative intentions.

    This is no way to build any sort of community. It's misguided, hateful, and unfortunate. Some opinions belong in a diary, not a public forum. The internet has a long memory. This blog is an exercise in foolishness. Enough is enough, already.

  89. Sarasota has no and will never have a "scene" worth shit. This blog is a naturally occurring item in such a situation.

  90. If you truly used Ohm's Law then you wouldn't have been stupid enough to push the $800 piece of equipment beyond its limits and fry it you stupid butthole.

  91. That's cool. Keep pooping where you eat. Enjoy the taste!

  92. Christian ConservativeDecember 14, 2011 at 3:47 PM

    Dykes poop in each others' mullets. Then, high on feces and vaginal secretions, commit random acts of sexual violence in the dorms at all girls' boarding schools.

  93. Let's be honest. You ALL want as many adoring fans as possible, and you ALL want to make as much money as possible by selling as many CD's as possible. If that were not the case, then why bother leaving the house? Is it because you enjoy humping gear? You are ALL struggling artists, and that I can appreciate. What I can't appreciate is the "we meant to do that, cause we're artists" factor. If you're not about the money or "success" by real definition, then you should offer free CD's and T-shirts at your gigs, and you should not accept any money from the local promoters. After all, you are artists, and you are NOT about money or selling "product".

    Are you a "true artist" by way of your cavalier definition??

    If so, please list the name of your band on this blog that endorses this new "true artist" template and I'm sure the promoters would love to support the new wave of local artists who are playing for free and for the sole love of the art. The fans will appreciate your free CD's and shirts too!!

    So, let's have the list of bands.......

    I think we are on to something folks.....

    The hell with those money making bands who sell CD's and merch.!!

    They are evil. We are the REAL artists!!

    Let's show them Sarasota!!!

    And the names are..........

  94. Oh, and to "shut down this blog" is tantamount to shutting down freedom of speech. The only way to improve the local scene is to open it up for debate. We can then decipher for ourselves (as adults and free thinking individuals) what is relevant and what is not. In the end, a blog like this can only help the scene. Think about it.

  95. It's not about the adoring fans. It's not about the money. For me, and for most performers that I know, it's almost always a pay to play situation. We give away more merch than we sell. And, this is not a complaint.
    I'm only saying this because it seems like this thread is an indictment to the "noise" and "experimental" scenes.
    Our goals are different than your buddy's band that plays Third Eye Blind covers. This is a community.

  96. It's pretty simple really. The motive isn't profit, it's making art. But, uh, everyone needs to eat. You're acting like there's some sort of rigid dichotomy between wanting to make art and wanting to make money. Just because you want to make your music on your own terms doesn't mean that you don't want money, it means that maximizing revenue isn't the ultimate objective of the creative process. Every artist wants to be making money, but not all value that over making the art that they want to make. So, as is often they case, they end up scraping along with what they can get it, not because they couldn't get more doing something else, but because it wouldn't be worth spending the time doing that instead of making music you love. Do you really need somebody to explain that?

  97. I see your point, but I'm also a realist.

  98. yeah i've seen a lot of bands in sarasota give shit away

  99. ...a realist? Just because you don't want to make that choice for yourself doesn't mean that other people don't. Surely you're a hell of a lot more practical than those folks, but I'm pretty sure they exist. In fact, I'm pretty sure those are the kind of people this blog was started to disparage.

  100. OK, pizza and beer it is.

  101. They do exist. I've played quite a few shows where people have travelled quite a few miles just to hang out and get their 10 or 15 minutes on stage. I guess I've been hanging out with the right group of people.
    When money becomes a factor, it's a huge pain in the ass and takes the fun out of things. This ain't the art talking, we'd all like to be millionaires.
    Most of the artists that have "made it" are famous in name only. They may sell a few more CDs, but they're not making Katy Perry or Black Eyed Peas money. Possibly, not even Kenny Loggins money.
    And in all honesty, this isn't really about the blog as a whole. It's this unfair review and threats to friends of mine. I don't even live in Sarasota and don't know that much about the music scene there.
    Although, I do have to say that these last few comments have resembled a real discussion and not that childish bull shit that's up above.

  102. I agree, Dan. Real discussion is what it's about.

  103. can i just add that cats in the basement rock my world?

  104. Today's grammatical error in the "yourbandisfail" blog is as follows: "Most of the abstract art you see in galleries were created..." because the author is using "abstract art" as sort of an umbrella term for a lot of individual pieces, it should read "Most of the abstract art you see in galleries WAS created..." Just keeping you informed, pals! If you're going to be a meanie, please, do it well, at the very least.

    Additonally, when the blogger uses the phrase "2-year-olds," the hyphens are unnecessary because "2-year-olds" is not being used as an adjective, it's being used as a noun. "2 year old" or "two year old" would suffice.


  105. ^^ HEY RyAN! When i'm done enunciating the perfect pronunciation of the words, "SPOILED ROTTEN FUCKFACE," into your Mom's dripping cunt, I'll ask you how my grammar is.

    Anyways, to Angry Critic, I'd love a more in depth article on Tim SUCKatguitarandsingingITS.


    Richard Nixon.

  106. Dearest Nixon,

    I wasn't asking for rudeness when I was simply trying to make Daedalus look less like an asshole. Oh, and the next time you're offering free cunnilingus, come my way first. My mom's taken - but I'm not. ;*

    P.S. It should be "spoiled-rotten" WITH the hyphen, because you're describing the "fuckface" in question as "spoiled-rotten." I'm only helping you in being taken seriously, don't take it so hard, baby!

    All my love, all the time.

  107. Unless you wanted to call me both "spoiled" and "rotten" separately, in which case a comma would suffice.


  108. monkey wrench in the cog of the systemDecember 15, 2011 at 5:07 AM

    Laws are meant to be broken, even Ohms. I don't find it stupid to fry equipment, it is fun, it adds to my graveyard of broken electronics, that one day will be recycled and shoved into the next piece of equipment I plan on destroying

    I love Dan Reeves!

    Why would i list my bands name when it is already a fact that you hate experimental and noise music, to get biased negative crap slung my way, No Sir, I will not. Most of us do however have free albums and give away CDs, And we enjoy that, We also don't care about ascetics, we love a handmade cover on a cdr more than a packaged cd, the cdr most of us would keep forever, the packaged CD would most likely get lost somewhere, unless it was something we sought out to obtain.

    Modern electronic music is trivial if you look at it in a button pushing looped based way and yes anyone can do it, but can anyone produce a song and arrangement. no one is recording on tape with all analog gear and i'm sure a lot of us would love to and most desire analog equipment. The noise scene uses analog equipment as well as hand built instruments, contact mics and found junk juxtaposed with the digital realm

  109. I have performed at many shows put on by Mr. Reeves and i dont think anyone ever asked "how much am i gonna get paid", even the national and touring acts that have come through. But I also know that any money ever made has always gone to the out of towners and not his pocket.

    Pay to play refers to money spent on gas, food, beer ect, Not like the pay to play bullshit ticket sale "battle of the bands" type of thing that i know every local band has endured. Shady promoters do that crap all the time. (JROCK AND PATTY)

    We do it for love and a good time with good friends across the state, from Jacksonville to Gainesville, to St Pete and beyond. If there was not a show, most of us would be doing the same thing anyway, music and beer.

  110. "even the national and touring acts that have come through."

    This wreaks of bullshit, what "national and touring" acts worth a shit don't ask how much they are going to get paid? lol

  111. your mouth wreaks of dick snot

  112. I would give you a list of national and touring acts, however we are such elitist hipsters that you haven't heard of them

  113. Ok. I've been checking this site everyday since its second day up. Haven't commented yet but I want to be a part of the fun, so here goes:
    First of all, I fuckin hate the music of Mine Canary and pretty much most bands that are, in the end, more artistic thinkers than musicians. But I do have respect for them, think they have handled all the negativity with class, and I truly do wish them success. Do your thang, boo But anyone who would actually threaten violence against someone based on disliking their music is the worst type of human garbage. I respect their right to vomit their stupidity on a blog, but I also anxiously await the day when they get what all hateful, small-minded people are inescapably due. Just desserts.
    As for the people who are whining about how negative this has all become, you are right. But history is filled with those who suppressed free speech because its too negative in their eyes. The solution of retiring this blog, suggested by David Daly (tighter than the pants on Will. I. Am.) is a warm and fuzzy attempt at censorship. Any musician who encourages censorship, for any reason, doesn't deserve the joy of music. Censorship doesn't make shittiness go away, it just hides it and causes it to fester. I would think you would know that. The ONLY expression that goes too far is the guy with the incredibly small penis who discussed stabbing someone in the eyes. And even then I don't think he should be censored, but I do enjoy the thought of him being ass-raped by a costumed superhero for three days straight... for the people.

  114. All in all, I don't agree entirely with some of the posts D. Aflame has made, but face it, he started something very interesting that all of us have been coming back to repeatedly. It reeks of sour grapes when the 80th comment down on a given post is someone calling him a coward or saying he's unqualified, or his blog is a failure, when clearly the person saying it is as interested as everyone else. He is the single most qualified person on earth to give HIS opinion. Don't like it? Start your own blog. Good luck making it as successful as his. This guy put thoughts into action and has stood behind it even after being outed. It was a soulless and cowardly move to out him, Petey Pie. The simple are always afraid of the truth. The inspired create, the uninspired talk shit about those who create.

  115. As for commercial success vs. personal fulfillment? Well, if you have nothing going in life but a 9-5 job, a boat ride on the weekend to forget said 9-5 job, and video games, then yeah money is pretty much your only gauge for happiness. Go do you. Take part in the American Dream of constantly chasing just enough money to allow you to keep chasing just enough money. How unoriginal is it that millions of people chase the american dream instead of coming up with their own dreams? This argument that success is based on sales or popularity can ONLY be made by someone who hasn't found their own personal joy in life, because as soon as you find that thing that drives you more than money the thought of money immediately gets put on the back burner. Of course, we musicians are happy to get some money after we play shows. We are, for the most part, not homeless retards. But if money is the most important thing we would skip the show and go sell old fashion HJ's on Tamiami Trl. But we like playing music, at least most of us do. I would gladly take a percentage everytime I fart if it was offered, but I don't fart for money, I fart for the joy of moist release. If you honestly have not one thing in life that can re-route your psyche away from making your chump change, then best of luck, and my condolences to the poor unfortunate souls who call themselves your friends and family.

  116. A few thoughts:
    Dan Reaves, I don't know you but I am in your debt. The phrase "Kenny Loggins money" is my new all-time favorite expression. To those who enjoy what they do and actually "get it", those three words describe everything wrong with people who think money is the gauge of success. Hilarious.

    "I heard Jay-z is droppin ANOTHER album."
    "Yeah, dat fool makin' Kenny Loggins money!"

    Grammer police: Calling out some grammatical errors on someone's blog is the last resort of an empty mind with absolutely nothing original to say. I'm sure pbs.org has some real quality grammer for you to enjoy, hop on over and check 'em out while the grown ups talk.

    "I think i speak for the majority" -David Daly.

    If this guy EVER EVER EVER speaks for the majority, then, truly, all hope is lost.

    I hope EVERYONE who has an inkling to play music that they truly love will continue doing so, even if I think they suck donkey tits. I hope this blog continues. I hope the pacific is as blue as it is in my dreams. I hope science can create an even tighter pant leg for the hipsters. I hope the eye stabber's family suffers just enough tragedy to clear his mind of evil. I hope the insanely hot brunette who works at the 5 O' has a wardrobe malfunction next time I see her. I hope John Mayer has learned his lesson. I hope OUTKAST drops a new album. I hope Willie Nelson lives to be a thousand. I hope.

  117. saying that 'mine canary sucks' is like saying 'i know a girl who got the herp from nick perdue' - its kind of old news.

  118. Ha ha! Some bag of assholes implied that there's no scene because no local bands are signed to "legitimate record labels." Hilarious. This dokken fan should trim the mullet thats covering his eyes. After his favorite hair bands got financially ruined by labels in the 80's this thing called "the internet" came along and destroyed the record label slavery institution. Most local musicians laugh heartily at anyone who is actually looking to be "signed" to a label. These days its easier to get an autograph from the easter bunny, or a job with full dental and vision in Santa's workshop. The record label is dead and anyone who isn't aware of this should probably get a slight working knowledge of the events of the last twenty years before coming on this blog and looking like an ass.

  119. Its not that hard to get signed from a mid-level label and make a nice living off it if you have some actual talent. I know more than a handful of people who have, but none from this town.

  120. HA! You absolutely do not know a "handful of people" making a "nice living" off a mid-level label.

    Too funny.

  121. To the hopeful one,

    You're welcome.

  122. I'm not the original poster but I do know a couple that are making their living on mid level labels. Check out Adam Hood who is signed to a small label, he's a friend of mine and makes a great living being a singer/songwriter. http://www.carnivalrecording.com/our-artists/

  123. tell me which "community" gets along with each other? I fucking hate my neighbors.

  124. create your own self-fulfilling prophecy

  125. WTF does that even mean?

  126. "Grammer police: Calling out some grammatical errors on someone's blog is the last resort of an empty mind with absolutely nothing original to say. I'm sure pbs.org has some real quality grammer for you to enjoy, hop on over and check 'em out while the grown ups talk."

    I don't respect an argument unless it's edited, and I have no shame in that. My opinion counts as well, even if it concerns the rhetoric of the argument and not the content. Let me do my thing, and you can do yours.

    Also, PBS rules, I may as well do that.

    I would dig your criticism so much more if you spelled "grammar" correctly. It's not that hard, y'all.

    Plus, I don't appreciate being accused of having "an empty mind with absolutely nothing original to say." You don't know me and cannot say that based on one comment I've made on a blog dedicated to "anonymously" critiquing the Sarasota music scene. If anything, my mind isn't empty because I at least have a good grasp on the English language. I get that some people are on their high horse about not being an egghead, but I can't take something seriously unless I can see that it's been edited by someone with a good grasp on linguistics.

  127. Whoa! Easy tiger...
    "Also, PBS rules, I may as well do that."

    This is two thoughts. The second comma should be a period and the rest should be a new sentence. Also, you ended a sentence with a preposition. There you go. By your own rules your entire post is invalid. I'm sure you have an excuse but, honestly, how can you be taken seriously when you clearly didn't have it edited by someone with a good grasp on linguistics. It's not that hard, y'all. (Y'all is not a word, Mr. Pouty Pants, but let me guess you meant that sarcastically now, right?)
    You make a good point that someone can't judge you based on one comment. Ignorant people do that. And your opinion does count even if you don't know the difference between grammar and rhetoric. Overall, though, I agree with the other guy.
    You clearly need a hobby and a hug.
    Loockin fer, perfict grammur on: a blawg abouut( myoozik iz: dummer'n hell. Good luck with that, lil' fella.
    Now can we please please PLEASE quit doing gay shit like bitching about grammar and start discussing bands in Sarasota?!?!
    If no one likes the negativity, then lets start it the positive way. What are some bands that people here actually LIKE? I think we've heard plenty from both the supporters and detractors of Tim Sukits, Fancy Rat, the equines, mine canary, sons of hippies and the whole finch house battalion. But what other bands that aren't being talked about are actually good? I see way more bands in the ticket than the ones so far mentioned. The fact that we are only discussing this one circle of bands and all the joy and embarrassment of being hipster is kind of making it seem as though these really are the only bands worthy of discussion. Is this true? Surely someone can name other bands that they like. Every now and then I even see a good cover band that rises above all the Jimmy Buffet and sublime rip-offs and plays good interpretations of unexpected songs. So I'll start with two of my own. A few weeks ago I saw two dudes in Gulfgate or downtown (can't remember, I likes the hooch) doing all original hip hop with original backing tracks, singing their own hooks, and adding their own surprisingly skilled beatboxing. The bartender said they were called Non Invasive Hip Hop. I don't know if that was a name or he was telling me the style. Either way it was refreshing to see genuine original hip hop as opposed to the obligatory white-boy-rappin over lil wayne tracks that is too common around here. Also Harper Sublette can sing the shit out of a song. Not my favorite style but I give her mad respect. As far as cover bands, the last time I saw the Del Rays they were soulful as hell and kept my interest far more than I expected a cover band to do.
    There. At least I'm trying.

  128. I think it's both funny and sad that as soon as someone puts up a thoughtful comment about bands he LIKES, no one responds. Is everyone really that petty and bitter? Does anyone else like ANYTHING?

  129. I'm somewhat petty and only slightly bitter (towards a city and country that has embraced trash music), refreshingly so though.

    For one of the few times ever I'll add something positive here besides Magic Johnson's HIV Test. :)

    I personally really like Dune Train. The vocals, the guitars, the raw sound. It's memorable good rock. Hard to classify it, though kind of Zeppelinish but really aggressive at times too.
    Listen to "Runner Up" on the guy Chris's website to hear what I'm saying.

    He's on that lady Claire's Sarasota Music Scene site too.

    If someone knows him tell him his style is greatly appreciated considering this shitty hipster-infested musical area. There I said something nice.

    Where's my god damn cookie there Anonymous?

  130. Sorry. It should have been "have" for the plurality, not "has". I want to avoid insulting The Almighty Golden Code of English Grammar & Spelling as much as possible.

    Time to shut up for a bit and go back to sleep.

  131. "I think it's both funny and sad that as soon as someone puts up a thoughtful comment about bands he LIKES, no one responds. Is everyone really that petty and bitter? Does anyone else like ANYTHING?"

    Try commenting on the most recent blog. It's such a pain in the ass to have to check two posts.

  132. "If someone knows him tell him his style is greatly appreciated considering this shitty hipster-infested musical area. There I said something nice."

    Chris from Dune Train here, thanks for the kind words! We just added some fiddle to Runner Up last night in the studio, will get it mixed down and up on the web soon.

  133. Also, while I am friends with Ed and met Claire last night, I'm not affiliated with Sarasota Music Scene. I do appreciate the outlets they provide though and the gigs they've helped us book. Can't wait to play some David Bowie in january!

  134. You guys are pretty good. But do remember to tune your instruments before playing... Your guitar is a bit out of tune on the Walk Away track on reverbnation. Funk styled music is sorely unappreciated in the modern world, some people even think the shit that Red Hot Chili Peppers spew is "funk".

  135. I completely take back that comment. Reverbnation autoplayed some other random song when I clicked on yours. Your music is bland, but in tune.

  136. Oh, to add. It played something that actually was funk influenced, I have no fucking clue where you see enough funk in your stuff to have it listed as a genre. Country-esque whining vocals over boring, overused, progressions with obvious lead parts is not funk.

  137. All the shit on our reverb nation is not played anymore, its from when we were a trio and did funk/jam stuff. All the knew rock music is on our homepage at http://www.dunetrain.com

    The funk came from our live shows when, as a trio, we would do improv jams that were mostly funk inspired. The songs themselves are not really "funk" as you'd call it.

  138. Here's a review of the album that's actually a review of the album http://escapefromcrete.blogspot.com/2011/12/mine-canary-sentinel.html

  139. I believe my actual comment was: I think i speak for the majority when i say I would enjoy anonymous, valid critiques of local bands that are well thought out and don't include petty personal stabs

    Look, i agree with 90% of the blogger's content. Matt Murphy is an excellent drummer. But, Finch House's music (except fancy rat imho) is garbage. Erin sings like a goat. Micheal is a shitty promoter organizer. The closet is a joke (what happened with all the money from the 3 closet benefit shows?)

    The mindless personal shit talking about haircuts and how tight people's pants are in this blog is proof that there is no scene. This blog is a guilty pleasure. That's it. Nothing constructive will come of it.

    But at least some of us have enough balls to sign our names.

  140. ^Dude! Thank you David! The last Closet show I went to they collected money for a keg, and then never tapped the keg, just told people they had to leave. I'd love to know where the money went for those shitty shows.

  141. Finch house is garbage
    Erin sings like a goat
    Michael is a shitty promoter organizer
    The closet is a joke

    Isn't this the same guy who complained about all the negativity? Is it just negativity directed at your friends that you are against, cuz that whole post makes it seem like you're still in your pee pants. Jesus! I actually agree with you that the shit talking is pretty low brow but come on man! Saying someone sounds like a goat? Does that somehow rise above your own personal gauge of acceptable personal insult?
    You, sir, leave me no choice but to match your backwards thinking with this indisputable fact: Grown-ass men who walk around in jeans that would look good on their kid sister are everything that is wrong with the world.
    Now, we're even and can continue. And don't forget... If you are that upset about this blog you can always CHOOSE NOT TO FUCKING KEEP COMING BACK AND READING IT!!!!!! I for one am always down for a guilty pleasure. Isn't everyone? So, if you don't mind, I'll keep shopping in the mens section and enjoying this site. It takes far more than a site like this to make me angry.
    And, yeah, I'm way too smart to sign my name when people are threatening to stab people in the eyes and shit. I have a family and, unlike some, I protect them and would never jeopardize their safety for something so trivial as "having enough balls to sign my name" on a god damn music blog. It takes either stupidity or a desperate need to proclaim one's masculinity to say a dumb thing like that. This thought just occurred to me, but, maybe if we all started wearing gender appropriate clothes dudes wouldn't need to make macho penis contest statements like "at least some of us have enough balls to sign our names." I mean you know the old saying "some folks got it, others have to talk about it."

  142. "some folks got it, others have to talk about it."

  143. Wow, i struck a chord with you... See you're all wrong. Negativity is fine, i never once said anything about negativity. I enjoy the valid crituques. Negative or positive. I commented on singing. Erin is a poor vocalist and her vibrato is goat like. Ive experience firsthand and had friends who have experience the Closets poor organization at shows. Thats what i talked about. No comments on wardrobe. Your and 90% of everyone else's commenst belongs in the yourpantarefail blog.

    I have a family too bro. And no troll who talks about stabbing someone on a music blog is actually going to do it.

    And the reason I said something about signing my name is the fact that my first comment about trying keep it about the music was followed by anonymous comments about my pants! Did I miss something?

  144. Pants dude pants. Fashion>Music.

  145. I wear my wife's pants..because it's hard to tell the difference when I first get up.

  146. Mr. Daly. Dude... take a joke man. You say you struck a chord? Are you seriously unable to see this guy is havin a laugh with you? I'm totally on yr side as far as ther petty irrelevent remarks that have nothing to do with music, lame, but as an observedr i think it WAS a kinda funny post. just a little bit. i dont think anyone really cares that much about pants or hair, you keep wearing whatever you want buddy, ill support u. My hipster friends wear them shits and i tease them about it all the time, but i love them all like family and let them call me a hill jack sheep fucker in return. I think as long as you let yourself get all shook up by this guy hes gonna keep it up. i disagree with one point though. In august my neighborhood had a blog for discussion on city improvements, my next door neighbor made a post and was threatened with physical harm only to have his fuckin back window shot out with his wife and kids in the car, your cavalier dismissal of that is not smart becaus u can never underestimate low lifes. I truly hope that sort of thing would not happen with this blog but i prefer safe than sorry.
    I think its rude and haughty to say someone sounds like a goat, personally i think your music is far too vanilla and it doesn't excite me but i would never call u out by name and compare you to a farmanimal. That kinda smells like a hurt, tortured person would say that. I wont be going to ur shows anytime soon but i think ur a generally okay person and it sux to see u getting soo worked up ovedr this chode. hes yanking ur crank. Dont let him win!!!!!

  147. Tone doesn't transfer well in text. I don't care what anyone thinks about my pants... My girlfriend likes em ;)

    But I'm glad there was a comment on music finally. My stuff is not for everyone and that's ok.


  148. Hey Chris, you're welcome.

    See, I try to be as objective as possible. I don't know you but you seem like a nice guy. The truth is though that even if I thought you were a huge dick I'd have to still admit that your music was good.

    If Hitler rose from the grave and made a retro rock hair metal album I'd have to... well actually that would be the most amazing thing ever.. end of story lol.

    I think what happens with these hipster, excuse me "shitster", bands is that they have nothing better to do outside of playing on their Macs and going to college that their parents pay for, so they decide to do this "music" thing to amuse themselves and their tiny circle of "friends".

    The thing is though that their friends like them and most likely live with/around them hence they don't want to hurt their gay little feelings or cause trouble by being honest and saying "Wow, I like you but your music isn't very good or interesting." Or they are just as pseudo-counter cultural and musically bland/basic as them.

    I also found it sad that on that Sarasota Music Scene site YOU were the only one to say that you'd welcome criticism, that if you and your band sucked you'd want to know. This is of course ironic considering that you are one of the few original musical acts here who doesn't suck at all.

    That almost made me want to make an account on that god damn site. I just may when I finish some stuff in the not too distant future.

  149. My personal favorite is "Dude Train." oh yea!

  150. I just listened to some Mine Canary, and what I can say is this:

    A wine connoisseur judges a wine not via his or her personal taste, but by authenticity and quality vs. it's claims of same.

    Mine Canary does not claim to be setting the commercial music world ablaze. This seems to be an experimental group which strives to push the envelope. It certainly is not "safe" music, or anything remotely close to what your ears generally embrace, but it seems the purpose is not to sell you as much as it is to induce you to open your minds.

  151. Well I'm not a wine connoisseur, but I am a beer connoisseur. And through the hundreds of beers I'v tried, only a couple have caused me to gag and dump that shit down the drain. That's what I feel like Mine Canary is.

  152. http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhlichtenstein
