Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello and Welcome

I'd like to start this blog off with a dry and sarcastic "Congratulations" to the greater Sarasota area - the local music scene here has gotten large enough to support the auto-inflation of its own ego, no small task for a city whose population and demographic fluctuates sharply between empty and middle-aged to overflowing and near-dead.  So before I proceed to vent my frustrations in the near future and possibly anger many avid show-goers and musicians, remember that the only reason this blog exists is because a quasi-critical-mass has been reached.  Local papers and the aforementioned avid show-goers have all very ably fluffed up the scene such that there has been a very clear upward spiral of activity in homegrown music over the last three years.  It's time to poke, prod, and test the structural integrity of the local scene against a mild wind of criticism.  I suppose this would be something of a mission statement.  Yeah, let's just call this post my mission statement.  That sounds really nice.


  1. This could get interesting if enough people read it!

  2. please consider changing font, keep it up though.

  3. Dude, I think this is a fucking Brilliant idea. To whoever this is writing, YOU ARE MY FUCKING HERO.

  4. Ditto what 'Sam' said. Welcome and thanks for the opinions Daedalus Aflame. :)

  5. I stumbled on this blog today and read all of your posts. I feel like I've been able to finally breathe! It doesn't matter that people are posting anonymously because simply knowing that others feel the same as I do about the SRQ music scene is quite enough. I've been cautious to express my true opinions of some local bands/shows since there IS a pretty tight circle of (ahem) "influential" folks in the SRQ music scene and God knows you don't want to offend them and find yourself sitting on the outside. Wow! Great stuff!

  6. Albeit, back in the day he had his moment(s), but if I hear another band in SRQ name drop "Dickey Betts" or mention the Allman Brothers I think I'll purge. Come on, man...just because you have a "once well known" guitarist playing in your band doesn't mean YOU are any more talented. But, if you feel that you can't stand on your own name, I suppose you might as well keep droppin' names.

  7. Keep up the good work

  8. uh oh, someone is speaking against the sacred srq scene! how dare you not speak only praise for a bunch of marginal, at best, musicians. the inner circle looks down upon this! expect a bunch of backlash on facebook!

    ps, keep this going forever, much respect.

  9. agreed on the font. it's hard to take seriously with a silly font

  10. Wow, I never really realized how many anonymous people lived around here. Studying the ways in which we discuss the faults of others can reveal much about the ways in which we place walls between ourselves and the world in general. i hope this blogger does not end up like the guy in Poe's story titled, "The Cask of Amontillado"-----he ended up being walled in by the very forces he spoke ill about. I wonder if his bones were ever discovered?
