Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm already breaking a sweat

To all the anonymous commentators,

Please keep the comments coming.  It's exciting.  I'm so excited.  Claire of sarasotamusicscene.com has been quick to embrace and help guide my efforts a bit, so to her I am much obliged.  She was kind enough to post my drummer's night "critique" on the front page of the website.

Regarding the comment on what I think of local venues, I'll start with The Blue Owl for today's post.

The Blue Owl is the current moniker that 1507 Main Street has taken in hopes of reinventing it's image as a viable venue.  But the fact still remains it's just a hole in the wall.  The only shows that sound good in there are acoustic shows, everything else is painful.  New bar?  Cool.  It still suffers from trying to do too much with too little space.  You can't have a cafe and a bar and a venue all in the same 10x8 room.  And the orientation of the stage is just unfortunate.  But I guess now bands don't have to worry about making those really lame requests for everyone to "come gather around the stage" because people don't have a choice.  Oh, and if you're a band that likes getting paid in more than just a couple of free beers, I hear you'll have better luck being a street performer getting loose change chucked at you.

I'll post about other venues and bands soon.  I don't want to prematurely shoot my load and have a bit of a mess on my hands on what was supposed to be a dry run.

Thank you,
Daedalus Aflame


  1. Although I agree with most of what you said, I think you should do more research and write an extensive review of the blue owl. Maybe go there and observe?

    I think in general a critique should be more productive and offer possible solutions to problems so people know what to change & fix rather than just saying it sucks which doesn't really solve anything.

  2. He put in why he thinks it sucks, quite a few reasons actually. I think he does about as much as research as all the fluff pieces do in outlets like The Ticket.

  3. haha yeah he did put in a few reasons but the review still feels rushed and a bit...incomplete?

  4. Yeah, do you really think writers for the Ticket research their material? Every article I ever read, especially ones by Tim Suckits are always basically the exact same puff piece.

    Up until about two months ago the "Blue Owl" was basically the "Blue Shelter" because they were letting homeless people parade around out front and party it up with $1 PBRs. Not exactly the place musicians want to go and play at...It failed as the Box Social, it will fail as the Blue Owl. The place is too small to be a venue.

  5. I think you're probably pretty used to prematurely shooting your load if you take times to writing a blog like this.

  6. Blue Owl pays if you draw a crowd, has great sound, and has improved dramatically under new ownership. Slowly but surely it grows character and will likely be around longer than your little internet blog. There are good people in there trying to do good things and bring bands from all over the country to Sarasota.

  7. any press is good press....keep the critiques coming...they are pretty cute!!

  8. I'm playing at the Blue Owl tonight, and my band is pretty awesome! You should come out and put your money where your mouth is! I dare you! Also, you *should* have the courage of conviction to put your name on these reviews, It is quite easy to spew venom from an anonymous soap box, you should try owning up to it! As for the layout of the club, I play all over the country in hundreds of venues, and The Blue Owl has the same set-up as many amazing clubs like the Melody Inn in Bloomington, Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn, The Rockwood Music Hall in NYC, Smith's Old Bar in Atlanta, and well, the list goes on and on. All of these are great venues, though small in size, and incredibly pleasant to play. My name is Megan Jean, and my band is Megan Jean & The KFB. I don't mind giving my name. Do you even get that you are potentially damaging a local business owner's prospects? Or do such things not matter to you?

  9. In celebration of this new fun I am offering a free beer to the first person to guess which Sarasota local band this blogger is gonna hit next.. Just post it on our FB page.. or here in the comment section.

  10. At least I have the balls to put my name on everything I write. You may not have noticed, but I'm a columnist, not a critic. What you call fluff pieces, I call my opinion. Believe it or not, I happen to like The Blue Owl and most of the bands that play there. I honestly have a lot of respect for this music scene and what it's been able to accomplish despite everything going against it: shitty laws, intolerant condo owners, lack of venues that support original music, arrogant and hateful anonymous bloggers... And yet local groups are still bringing in national acts and local bands are still going on national tours and Sarasota is getting noticed for its music scene, despite our "small town retirement home" reputation and less than ideal demographic location. I don't know what you have against the scene, but you can feel free to leave it at any time.

  11. This is great! Takes all the focus off of the latest stank face Sarasota mural discussion.."Squirrel!"

    Im curious to know if you have any experience with live music production?


  13. SRQ music is a joke. Hey, here's a hundred more indie pop bands to throw in the pile of 50 people may listen to!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. All I have to say is thank you for all the press you have bestowed your readers! Any press good or bad, of any kind would be worthless without opinions. As one of the creators and the Events and Promotion coordinator of Sarasota Music Scene I will not stand by and see all the hard work myself, my colleagues, friends and supporters have put into creating the local original music scene go without the recognition we all deserve. We all deserve much more than a simple thank you or handshake. I am VERY proud of everyone for creating and sustaining a thriving music as art scene. I myself have worked tirelessly to create and provide the musicians and music venues of Sarasota substantial resources to gain recognition, exposure, collaborate and promote their music and events.
    I also am Freelance writer for the Ticket magazine Soundboard section, I do not give opinions on musicians, bands and venues, I describe the bands style, a brief back ground about the bands and the venues or events they play, there is a big difference between preview and review, maybe it would be handy to seek Websters definitions of the 2. Finally I have to say the name calling or poking fun at someones name is pretty childish. Lets embrace our community, live and love in peace!!
    Eddie Midler Thats me name signed!

  16. This is awesome. The Sarasota music scene has sucked for a long time. Keep it up!

  17. Here's my latest fluff piece:


  18. The blue owl has the worst sound and stage set up, ever. If I want hear cracked speakers I will pop in a cd in my dodge truck. The stage makes the audience that's inside mind you, not smoking out front feel awkward. Keep up the good work!

  19. I LOVE all this commentary and discussion and think it's especially refreshing to hear actual critiques from Daedalus Aflame.

    As a freelance columnist for The Ticket, I can affirm that my own pieces are (as 'Eddie' described above) previews of bands and events in an effort to both introduce said musicians/ events to the community and maintain profession objectivity.

    Many years ago, in a previous column I wrote for Ticket (where I had more journalistic freedoms), I gave my true opinions (critiques) of several local CDs. I received hate calls and personal threats because of it!

    So, here's to anonymity and Daedalus Aflame's right to express free opinions!

  20. It's nice to see a board where people can express opinions freely. I just hope that personal attacks are avoided. I don't have an issue with an anonymous blogger, particularly in Sarasota where everyone knows everyone and people catch shit if they say anything negative. Personally, I enjoy the bands in Sarasota and attend many of the shows. Yes, the Noise Ordinance rules are shit and ruin the feeling of living in an actually city. Why hasn't there been a repeal of this law on the ballot? We can have a million festivals but we need the law to change things. Also, the Ticket is fine but it pales in comparison to Creative Loafing. We desperately need an alternative newspaper in Sarasota. The Herald can't go to the lengths afforded to the alternative press. As for venues, yes, I'm not a huge Blue Owl fan but I'm glad it exists instead of another shitty store that barely looks open and has nothing but fugly shit inside. Let's face it, most of the downtown stores suck and everyone knows it. When's the last time you shopped for clothes downtown like most people do in small cities? Half of the time I can't tell if the stores are open. There's a window dressing, yes, but that's about it. I suppose they don't cater to the young in Sarasota though. If we want that to change we might night to be supportive of each other rather than trash the shit out of the emerging scene we have. Again, I like the concept of this blog as long as personal attacks are avoided. Criticize the music but not the person.

  21. That is a fluff piece Tim, I've seen that guy play and he's terrible.

  22. First off, obviously people don't wanna sign their names because this town is way too small for that.

    It was only a matter of time before someone started a blog like this one. Everything you read on fb or ticket praises every local band. And this blog already got more traffic than sarasota music scene dot com because it's actually more honest.

    I admire people who support the local scene but there is always an equal and opposite reaction to your praise of bands and shows. And I guess this is it.

    If ticket or sarasota music scene actually posted real honest reviews of bands, shows and venues this blog would probably not even exist. The music scene needs more critics, and I don't think it will destroy the scene, if anything it will make it better.

    Every time I've read ticket srq I thought the best band in the world was playing tonight.

    - Bob

  23. Hey, Bob! SarasotaMusicScene.com welcomes any user input about the local scene, whether praise or criticism. You (and everyone else posting comments here) are welcome to sign up and contribute to the site. We have merely provided the website, but it's members of the community that fill it with content. I don't know what you mean by "more honest". We don't claim to be a magazine or anything. The site is intended for people to find out what is happening in Sarasota for local original music. I've put thousands of hours into building it and producing the Noise Ordinance festivals and I HAVE NOT MADE ONE DIME off any of it. You want to sit and bitch about it in a comment that took you 5 seconds? How about you actually DO SOMETHING about -- like Daedalus Aflame has done here. I applaud this blog and I think we need more people to get involved in the local scene. It can't just be one dimensional. That's boring. It is what we make of it. We've tried time and time again to get people to post reviews of shows, local cds, ANYTHING related to the scene. The website is there. CONTRIBUTE. The only thing we don't tolerate is hateful personal attacks or personal grudges. Honest critique that expresses your legitimate opinion is welcome. I'm glad this blog is here.

  24. Are you serious with this blog? you are not a writer, you're nothing more than an internet troll.

  25. so, with that being said, WHO WANTS TO CONTRIBUTE TO SARASOTAMUSICSCENE.COM ? Anyone? please?!? We want user involvment! We want opinions, good or bad! We want to support the local bands and scene in a real and meaningful way! Not just flowers and rainbows... I think all in all, we all want the same thing: to see Sarasota totally kick ass as a music town. Asheville did it. Seattle did it. Austin did it. We can too! But not if it's just 2 or 3 people doing all the work and those are the only opinions you ever hear. CALLING EVERYONE THAT HAS SOMETHING TO SAY: This blog's owner has been welcomed to sarasotamusicscene.com. We've given Daedalus Aflame a place there to contribute. All of the entries here are welcome there.

  26. i like the tobias reference at the end.

  27. Seattle, Asheville and Austin had a natural scene created from a vibrant array of musicians and people who actually enjoyed the live music experience, not from a rally on a website for contribution. Not from some people doing the legwork. Sarasota will never have a music scene like that, the primary population is too into cover bands and partying > music to them, as long as they can drink to it and sing along they are happy. There is no big college here, new college and ringling are tiny compared to real universities. So without a thriving college scene or a culture that promotes original music of a certain style (the scene is basically just generic indie here... Austin has jazz, texas rock and a few others, Asheville has its new folk and mountain rock, Seattle created grunge for Christ's sake) there's no chance of this town churning out national acts. The bands that tour have to pay for it themselves and they come back with maybe 50 more facebook fans and no money.

  28. Well.....start a "good band" smarty pants. Also move somewhere else.

  29. Well we now know he or she drives a dodge truck!

  30. Doesn't matter if you start a good band, not enough of an audience that cares in town.

  31. And I'd love to move but its not as easy as just picking up and going.

  32. Claire,

    I think sarasota music scene, ticket and others need to have at least one professional critic on staff who writes reviews of shows, CDs, venues, etc.

    And by professional I mean someone who won't make personal attacks on people or be biased.

    I admire what you've made but I do not believe that user content is enough for a website to remain interesting. This is just an opinion.

    best wishes

  33. A circus town produces theatrical bands, but it is fun to see

  34. Not my blog not my problem, thats what I say.

    -captain knots

  35. Agree with many on here. Criticism can be really helpful in finding a means to get your art across. That being said, the obligatory vitriol being used as a vehicle to get your points across on this blog is as misguided as others' art/institutions in your view.

    Being associated with the scene, I don't believe it's that there are no true outlets for criticism - Claire, Tim and Ed would gladly hear out anything anyone had to see (granted, that's not a personal slight). They, along with others, have worked hard to build an incubator that promotes local music. They have not been empty puff pieces - they describe style/sound, and often interview the creator to find the underlying intentions. As with all reviews, if you rely on other's opinions and do big listen to find your own conclusion, that falls on you.

    Its the 21st century- instead of bitching about how you've disagreed with what has been covered in local media, start your own blog. We can't go back in time, and retroactively make you feel like you've been heard.

    Lastly, Blue Owl may not be perfect. EVERY venue has pros/cons, things they can enhance. I'm thankful for them, they're really trying and are at their heart giving everyone a chance to be heard. Either go to them and voice your opinion on how it could improve, or put your money where your mouth is and book shows at other places/open your own venue.

  36. Also, your blog is such a fair source of criticism, that people in the scene who publicly disagree with what youre doing get retaliated against (with sprinklings of pseudo-positive remarks).

    You have the right to your opinion and to express it, but your writing is nothing more than a 'puff piece' for your own means.

    I'm interested to string together all of your intended targets and see what skates out

  37. The blue owl sucks...it is exactly as this blogger states. I would never play their...lower my standards.

    Yea, Tim is a fluff writer. Get over yourself Tim. You want to help the scene? Stop promoting your friends and be a real supporter of the scene and promote everyone.

    To show an example of the lameness of the scene....listen to the noise ordinace CDs. Besides maybe two artists...the CD is unlistenable. The songs are horrible. And that is suppose to represent the best Sarasota has to offer??? The scene here is embarrassing...let's be real.

  38. once again, Tim has previewed quite a few acts that he barely knows, mine being one of them. He encouraged people to come out to see us if they were into our type of sound. He didn't use flattery, just described the sonic atmosphere.

    also, I'd like to see if your art lives up to anyone's standards. See the hypocrisy?

  39. "Its the 21st century- instead of bitching about how you've disagreed with what has been covered in local media, start your own blog. We can't go back in time, and retroactively make you feel like you've been heard."

    HEY TIM, you're right, it is the 21st Century, and guess what? This Dude started a BLOG. SO WTF ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT!? I guess you're right, this blog is a "puff piece" for criticism....? Criticism that is badly needed if Sarasota is to survive the wave of hipster douchebaggery. Anywho, you get back to that barefoot guitar playing thing that Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews already did.

  40. Ha....this blog is the best thing ever to happen to the scene! Good job!!

    They should give this guy a weekly column in the Ticket...and take away Tim's. All he does is promote himself and crappy hipster bands that have less life span than a pop artist.

  41. Tim did not post that. Trust me haha. Is it really so impossible that people disagree with you? And that you could just be as much of a judgmental person as you describe everyone in this area as being? I barely know Tim outside of seeing him around, the same with Ed and Claire.

    I leave you with this: I did not say this was a 'puff piece' for the blogger's criticisms, I said it is a puff piece for the blogger's own means. There's obviously an alterior method to all of this - you can be a candid critic without so intentionally being a dick. Maybe if you're not so hostile, people will take you as an intelligent person with a point. Unfortunately, when you and your obviously enumerating disciples throw in your slams to get shits and giggles and make you feel like a champ, your point only reaches a portion of the people out here.

    The Sarasota scene is not perfect. The world is not perfect. Your judgments are not perfect. I am not perfect. So keep posting ideas on what needs improvement, but please chichi your obvious contempt for/and personal squabbles with your subjects at the door.


  42. You know MF..er.. who posted about NO Cd's, those guys busted their asses to make that project work! If you think you can do better get off your fucking ass and go help them, they are trying to create a productive scene here, Ed and Claire have been begging for help with SMS, which is amazing if you have not checked it out yet, and no one steps up, I can't them help them but would love too, I work nights and cant go to many shows but follow everything on facebook, i'm so proud of what they are doing, in the last 2 years I have only been able to see maybe 6 shows and one was NO2, it was simply amazing how the community came together, I agree some of the tracks suck, but just not my taste in music maybe, but at least I give it and the producers credit for it! I have known Claire for many years, she is the hardest working and most dedicated musician this town has to offer, you should learn a bit more about what drives her instead of tearing her and Ed down, BTW he should be thanked more, I bet he doesn't get the credit he deserves either! This is a small town get together and help each other this is such childish banter! yours truly a very concerned!!

  43. Hey everybody!!! Doesn't it feel good to get involved and take a stand??? Whether or not this blog keeps going, let's bring this energy over to SarasotaMusicScene.com ! Everyone is welcome to signup and make blog posts, start a discussion in the forum, post comments, etc. Let's keep talking about local Sarasota music and what it means to you!

  44. I give them NO organizers credit. But the point is, no matter how hard you work, how much time and effort, you still need the songs. I know they went through hundreds and hundreds of songs. But those were the best?

    If that is the case, it is embarrassing.

    1. Maybe more, the best recordings. Some of the really good bands either don't have the time or the money to record in the studio. I think a lot of great songs get oassed up because of that. Just saying :).

  45. Douchebaggery galore .. congratulations for continuing the never-ending flow of bullshit and opinionated baby puke we already receive in this town. We should all be thankful to anyone willing to do anything for the entertainment of the boring assholes in this town that mooch off their parents, or / and others.

  46. Boring assholes who mooch off their parents, sounds like quite a few hipsters I know of. So what was your point?

    And I have to agree, the NO CD was not good, because out of the hundreds of songs submitted, guess who ended up on the CD? All the same fucking folks we've been talking about. You can't tell me that the same group on the first CD just happened to be the best and so they all ended up on the Second CD.

  47. anyone who is not happy with the NO or NO2 selections is welcome to join us to help make the selections for NO3! We're gonna try a bit of a different approach next time. These things aren't perfect, and yes it's a lot of work, but it sure is fun!

  48. I think everyone should put their money where their mouth is and start contributing to sarasotamusicscene.com... who knew this many people actually gave a shit? It certainly wasn't obvious before, when all I've ever heard is crickets. Let's just see if it all falls back into apathy or if people actually do something with this new energy. It's easy to sit and bitch about other people's efforts, but it means nothing unless you're putting in some effort of you own. YOU HEAR THAT, PEOPLE?

  49. I wish someone would stop plugging their stupid site in every comment section.

  50. Claire,

    The thing about NO CDs is that it contains too many songs. 2 CDs & 50 songs ?! why not just pick the best 15 songs and put it on one CD so that you don't have to skip every other track? Put the rest of the songs on a website for people to download & listen to. Problem solved.

    Also make it MORE competitive for bands to be accepted for the NO CD so that there is some sense of accomplishment for the artists. Assemble some kind of voting system or judging. Otherwise it turns into bands just paying to be on a compilation CD.

  51. Also please don't reply with "why don't you just do something then?"

    The answer is because you are doing it, it's your idea, and we think you can do much better.

  52. well if no one participates, that "stupid" site will probably shut down. I'm sure Claire has better things to do.....Would you prefer that, dickhead?

  53. "I wish someone would stop plugging their stupid site in every comment section." Yeah, that'd be nice.

    We get it, you have a site. The mere fact this blog exists is proof you haven't done very good with it up to right now. I think it's time to clean house and start a new Sarasota music collective, one that isn't a giant clique of promoters who promote their friends, and venues that only select the same bands.

  54. "their stupid site" is a positive alternative to misshapen anger, specifically designed to foment this sort of discussion and translate it into productive steps forward. i would plug it if i were her, this is exactly the sort of gathering that would fill it well and populate the site a little if/after this blog dies out.

  55. OK, people. settle down....

    The first NO was done by me going around town BEGGING bands to be on it -- and it was done as a collaborative project where each band chipped in some to help make it happen. (That money was later returned, since the CD release show did so well)

    NO2 was an open submission call -- FREE to all local original bands -- we had over a hundred submissions and assembled a judging panel of 15 judges to review and rank each submission. The selections were made statistically, not by any personal preference. The highest average vote scores made it on. We do a double CD to provide as much choice and variety as we can fit. The goal is not so you LOVE every track, but to provide a sampling of different types of music being made here to people who don't already know. If you find 1 or 2 bands that you like that you didn't know about before, mission accomplished. THAT IS WHAT IT IS ABOUT. Not to sell a product, but to expand the audience. I welcome all suggestions for improvement, but I don't want to lose sight of the project's goal in the process. Thanks!

  56. also, SarasotaMusicScene.com is a SOCIAL NETWORK site. The content there is provided by YOU. this is why I'm plugging it. It's not MY site. I just built the dang thing. I want people to post stuff there. I saw it as an alternative to Facebook -- where things get lost. How do you know about local shows unless you're friends with the right people and get invited to the events? I thought - let's have a site like that, but focused solely on the local music scene - for ALL genres. We have groups, blog, events, forum - every thing we need to share opinions and information. It's just really sad that I'm BEGGING people to join and contribute there, but yet this blog pops up overnight and everyone swarms all over it.. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? If you all don't think SMS is a good idea, I can take it offline. If you support having that platform available, then please show us some love and start using it... OK, self pitty party over. LOVE YOU ALL!

  57. "We get it, you have a site. The mere fact this blog exists is proof you haven't done very good with it up to right now. I think it's time to clean house and start a new Sarasota music collective, one that isn't a giant clique of promoters who promote their friends, and venues that only select the same bands."

    *golf clap*

  58. Who were the 15 judges then? Christ.

  59. Why wouldn't friends promote one another? That's kind of what friends do. Also, Sarasota has a music scene?

  60. Well I was just informed about this insane blog! I am one of the local venue owners, and I will tell you now, any and all bands that has played my stage, or would like to and are participating in this piece of shit blog will not be allowed to play! I am not sure exactly started this blog and not sure if I want to know but if I do find out don't even think about coming to a show here ever again! I too have my opinions of the music scene, but in the last approx. 3 years I have seen more bands form and stay together than the 25 years i've been in Sarasota, and I will say it once the group that run Sarasota Music Scene have NEVER asked for a dime to host or promote shows here, yes they over promote sometimes,and may leave out a show here or there, and I must say they do a much better job that the Ticket has done since CL . but they believe in the musicians in the Sarasota area no matter what genre it may be. I will also point out that they the team from Sarasota Music Scene and Noise Ord. should be stopped on the street and shown some appreciation for what we do have. SO stop this shit now!! When you approach my doorstep and ask for a show your name is on the list and myself and my entire staff will be checking this blog and the other music sites in town and if we see any negative shit posted about bands, venues, events or shows you're history! I hope you bickering fools get the message and learn to work together! Thank you and remember I could be any bar with a stage in town! The Shadow!

  61. The issue with this scene...and why this blog has gotten more attention than some site...that is trying to do good....is the fact that this scene has alot of problems. I know people are trying to help it, making CDs, starting a site, hosting a show once in.awhile....but if you don't address the problems that this scene does, if you just ignore them and keep kissing your own ass and praise how the scene is getting better...then no progress will be made.

    Any art scene is always evolving...particularly music. New bands come in...shake things up. But if the scene doesn't welcome that and stick to the same boring mediocre bands...nothing gets better.

    And for too long has mediocrity has been the norm here. I have played out all over Florida with alot of bands and seen alot of bands. No matter how nice a person is, no matter how much time someone puts into something, if it isn't good...it isn't good. Period.
    I remember going to see a show where everyone was saying this was the best band in Sarasota. I saw them....professional equipment, good stage presence. But the songs were...ehhhhh. This was the best??? Geeze. There are some good decent bands and artists that are here...maybe a handful that i have seen...but they get no promotion by Mr. Fluff Sukits...they play less than most other bands...even though they work their butts off and just play outside of town...where there is a real accepting scene.
    This blog has been the best thing to come around this place in a long time. Time for a new changing of the guard and let the scene flourish like it deserves.

  62. "Yea, Tim is a fluff writer. Get over yourself Tim. You want to help the scene? Stop promoting your friends and be a real supporter of the scene and promote everyone."

    OMG. Thank God someone said this also. Sent countless cds to this dude to review. If he doesn't know you, like you, etc. Then you are not getting your cd reviewed. Plain and simple. Tim you shouldn't be in this business if you play favorites. Ps. Shitty hippy weird indie pop music sucks. IT ALL SOUNDS THE SAME!!!!!

  63. @Shadow

    Hey look, a venue owner threatening musicians in Sarasota. That's a big fucking surprise!

  64. @Shadow

    "Hey look, a venue owner threatening musicians in Sarasota. That's a big fucking surprise!"

    Oh..buwhahahahahahaha. Thank you for this and thank you Daedalus for this amazing site. You have no idea how much joy this brought me today.

    My tears of laughter stream down my face and into my half empty can of PBR.

  65. The Blue Owl supports all music ... no matter what...or who....sorry we are small and our sound sucks.....except for acoustic.. we try.. but at least we try right?

    1. Well whatever the case nay be, small, just right, sucks, doesn't suck, the classiest response on this has been from the ones who could take the most offense. Kudos to you, Blue Owl for taking the high road :).

  66. BTW.. Cock and Bull is a great venue.. i love it there..

  67. you like being fed false branded alcohol? You like bands being dicked outta wads? But, alas they have a bonfire.
    All problems resolved.....

  68. ok.. somehow my last post got erased...it was long winded.. so I am gonna break it down... The Cock and Bull are the original supporters of local music.. starting downtown.. getting kicked out.. and still making an awesome place for everyone to go and enjoy music.. to be honest, if Dawn, or Howie made that post...I have their back

  69. Tell them to serve proper beer, and work on their own promotion

  70. Quit poisoning patrons with false branded "craft beers" clean tour lines and try being nice to patrons..
    Could be a great venue, but greed takes away.

  71. Amen to the CNB being dicks sometimes.

  72. please, name a band getting dicked outta wads by Howie and Dawn. Chances are, they didnt even take the time to promote their own show, next to no one came. You reap what you sow. Get asked to do 20 mins on the set by a promoter and agree, you'll get paid for 20 mins fairly. They're one of THE ONLY venues that pays bands, really at all. And I've never seen anyone I played with on a show there not get a fair shake.

    The show prices have come down there now as well, and they try to book different acts so they aren't back-to-back. Once again, people relying on the old standby of 'theyre mean and greedy,' without any firsthand knowledge

  73. also they'll tell you why/how they split cash up unless they hand it all over to a promoter. (which they don't like doing, cause that's how bands around here generally get dicked outta wads). I've been ripped off so many times by promoters who throw three full-length acts on a bill, and cut and run with virtually ALL of the door. Said shows have also always charged people way more to get in.

    That's greed.

    They'll sit down with you and actually tell you why they think the pay should be how it is. If you feel unfairly treated, they'll listen and more often than not adjust things.

  74. It sounds to me that obviously "The Shadow!" is either Howie or Dawn. It truly doesn't matter to me, because this shit needs to be said.

    You can have their back, Pete Hansen, but you're probably unaware of a long string of incidents at this venue going back for a while.

    Including but not limited to; bands not getting payed for shows, craft beers being mislabeled and misrepresented for profit, oh yeah, and also bands being told they have to sign a contract that they will not play anywhere else before or after CNB for up to a week or more.

    Is this fucking Lollapalooza or is this fucking Sarasota? And who the fuck do these BAR owners think they are? Because it's certainly not a VENUE if it talent is being treated like this.

    I have so many friends that have been dicked outta money by the Cock and Bull that it's not even worth delving into the history. Add to the fact that I actually do enjoy craft beer and have been ripped off multiple times by short pours, plastic cups, or just complete negligence to the tap lines, I can definitively say: Fuck History.

    Their history was written by them. The cards for the place inside don't even have pictures of the ACTUAL bar. It's pictures of some other huge bar with better taps and more room. Fuck the Cock and Bull. There, it's been said.

    Cheers! :)

  75. Getting paid at Cock n Bull is about 50/50 chance. Also, why do they pour beer foam into a pitcher and then when that foam has turned into flat beer pour it into someone's glass? Disgusting.

  76. Looks like being a fucking controll-freak power-hungry bitch was not a good PR move for cock n bull....glad to see people speaking their minds, anonymous or not.

  77. ^ Lol. I have to laugh at these comments, especially about CNB, so true. If I pay $8 for a creme brulee, i'd like more then 4 ounces and an actual glass that doesn't have shit all over it. But instead I get 3 ounces and a plastic cup full of foam.

  78. This reminds me of the old coffee stain days

  79. You'd better watch out. Dawn and the Thought Police from the Cock N Bull will be checking this blog out every day. She will make a list of names, and when you want to go to Sarasota's most powerful local music destination for a beer, she will refuse your $8. She will be there, clogging up the walkway, shouting "Are you Anonymous?" If you feel like spending half of your paycheck, just lie and give her your real name.

  80. I have been to the phone booth called "The Blue Owl". It's actually the perfect venue for showcasing local Sarasota hipster bands. I've never seen it full, and yet the capacity is probably somewhere around 50 persons. Therefore, a bigger venue for these types of acts is totally unnecessary.

  81. http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhlichtenstein
