Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank you Matt Murphy

Matt, you're right.  My first entry was lacking in the kind of informed criticism that makes it's writer appear to really understand his subject.  In regards to my anonymity, I have my reasons, and so do all the other bloggers who choose to blog anonymously.  Matt Murphy, this entry is for you.

Matt Murphy, you are a drummer and I think that's cool, man.  You've been in more bands this year alone than anybody else in the world combined.  In all of your bands you seem to fall into the same overly dense and ambitious style that is beyond your skill level to play cleanly and accurately.  I guess that's sort of a punk thing to do and I suppose I can at least make out the impression of what you're going for.  I think one of your current projects, VS the Volcano, is pretty neat.  I think it is uncontrollably loud, I think the pair of vocals are on to something.  I think if you stop pointing your vocal mic at your snare the vocals might make more sense.  But yeah, VS the Volcano sounds like a whimsical rage.  I think your drumming in The Send Offs is off-putting (get it?).  I think you're a smart guy and really kinda weird, both of which are expressed in this piece you wrote about Cats in the Basement (a band I'm sure I'll write about in the near future).  You're writing is as dense as your drumming, and often just as inaccessible.  
I don't know you personally, Matt Murphy, but I'm sure you're a nice guy that knows stuff.

Daedalus Aflame   


  1. Guilty as charged. Except on the smart part, maybe.

    -Matt Murphy

  2. Hah, I thought you rocked on Sat for what its worth

    - Flannagan

  3. In order to take this site more seriously I hope you decide to share something positive about a band or a person in the near future.

    If it's all negative, although very funny, it will get really predictable and repetitive way too soon.

  4. This site is hilarious

  5. I'm interested to know your view on local venues?? Cock n bull?? The closet?? Blue owl??

  6. check your grammer.

    "IT'S" is always a contraction for "IT" and "IS".

    "YOU'RE" = "YOU" and "ARE".

  7. Ahh, it was only a matter of time before the g-r-a-m-m-A-r police paid me a visit. I'll do my best to limit my writing errors. I guess that's why my email address is musicdiarrhea@gmail.com, sometimes it just spews out without any regard for common literary decency.

  8. damn Muphry's law!

  9. Truly amazing someone who relies on self promotion, and spy vs spy moves is considered an artist. Play with the beat not ahead.

  10. i love matt murphy! but i also love this blog.

  11. AHHH matt ten people care, go promote a house show and hit that beat when it is not quite ready!


  13. I visually summarized that for you guys. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/drumsx.png/

  14. who owns this blog???

  15. I don't know who or what gave you info on The Blue Owl, but they do pay the bands...the metal bands that play there, and yes it is a building scene at this venue, did come back. And if there were actual fans not facebook creations, the music scene might have a chance. Otherwise you have a bunch of lazy fucks who can't leave their computers due to the simple fact that they have diconnected themselves from real life. An Angry Musician

  16. http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhlichtenstein
